Posts by Tag


Ultra Modern Condo For Sale Downtown Victoria

July 27, 2015 | 2 minute read

I have a one bedroom condo for sale downtown Victoria priced at $239,999 $220,000. They say location is important in choosing real estate, this location is p...

Map of cheap meals in British Columbia

January 23, 2015 | less than 1 minute read

Enjoy my map of cheap meals in British Columbia! If you know of anywhere in British Columbia you can get a proper meal for $5 or less, please contact me and ...

Biospace, and the DIYBIO movement

January 15, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

Derek Jacoby and I made a TEDGlobal video, if only for a picture (3:49 in the video). This video is from the TED talk by Ellen Jorgensen of Genspace fame tal...

What produce is in season?

April 07, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Thanks to a conversation with Janice M and Maryanne C, a couple of Victoria's food experts and friends, I was pointed to a list of all of the fresh produce t...

Welcome to the New Amsterdam

March 16, 2012 | 1 minute read

Victoria has always been a tourist city, but for the first time in a long time, that is going to hit new heights. We have a new city council, lead once again...

Feeling blue, at the end of an era…

February 23, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

After ~87 years, the Johnson street bridge in Victoria, also known as the blue bridge, is being dismantled. You can read the details on the city of Victoria ...

Sunsets in Victoria

February 03, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

We have some amazing sunsets, tonight was one of the best this year!  


January 31, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

If you've done anything in the digital interactive media circuit in Victoria, you've crossed paths with the talented David Parfit and/or Scott Amos. On Frida...

It’s snowing!

January 17, 2012 | 1 minute read

It's fairly rare that it snows in Victoria, perhaps a bi-annual event. Right now it's really coming down here downtown, and it started last night. Around...

Victoria co-working space

December 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Over the years, we've seen several co-working spaces come and go. We've not seen a model yet that we thought would survive, even from the beginning. Over 2 y...

25th Victoria Fringe launches today

August 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After catching a couple fringe shows several years ago, I was fortunate enough to win a fringe "Superpass" at the after party, that would allow me to see all...

Parking Day - Victoria

May 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Last September I caught wind that there was going to a Parking day in Victoria, BC; so I applied for a parking spot and my application was accepted. As you m...

The sharing of ideas

April 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While ideas meetings started in Victoria over three years ago, and IdeaWave 2 years ago, there are now a bunch of other community based idea sharing groups i...

A sneak peak into Victoria’s secrets

January 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

This post will only be useful if you're in Victoria, and on Facebook, but I have created a Facebook group called "Victoria's secrets". Not related to the lin...

Announcing the Victoria Pop Choir

January 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Nils Skalin is launching a Victoria Pop Choir. He says anyone can join, no matter what level of experience you have. He's created a Facebook group for those ...

Victoria Deals

December 27, 2010 | less than 1 minute read

Boxing day might be over, but everyone likes a deal. Earlier this year the creation of Groupon got a lot of hype. And when I say a lot here, I mean a huge v...

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Project - Help someone out

October 24, 2013 | 2 minute read

This post is about my latest project idea - Help someone out. Version 0.2 - Oct 24th 10:08am EST. Check back regularly, as I'll be updating this post based o...

Black Tie Dinner III

November 05, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Exactly one year since the last one, it's time for Black Tie Dinner III! If you've never heard about black tie dinner, click here. This time we're taking ove...

Profile: Mitch Altman, hacker.

June 29, 2012 | 1 minute read

I had the opportunity to meet Mitch Altman in Tokyo a few years ago, at the Tokyo hackerspace. Mitch is a rare breed; he's got world class level of smart...

Can you afford to give up a few vegetables?

February 20, 2012 | 1 minute read

Thanks to Victoria city councilor Lisa Helps, I was made aware of a Victoria citizen who has made a request for vegetables. I can't imagine making such a...

The tender conscious of the herd

January 26, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

One of my younger brothers started a blog and I found a quote that really resonated with me, "[It] really wasn't a necessity. It was more of an atte...

Your social network

December 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

As people are justifiably upset with the privacy issues around Facebook, and several friends have left that network altogether recently, I've been wondering ...

Social Innovation in British Columbia

November 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm fortunate to have been chosen as one of the top 500 social innovators in British Columbia, and have been invited to participate in the discussion around ...

The Pathway Project

May 17, 2011 | 1 minute read

As I've been on both sides of the interview desk, I had the opportunity today to work with Jen and Randy last week who are doing amazing work at The Pathway...

The sharing of ideas

April 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While ideas meetings started in Victoria over three years ago, and IdeaWave 2 years ago, there are now a bunch of other community based idea sharing groups i...

Ready to challenge yourself?

February 03, 2011 | 1 minute read

A few friends and I have been working through self imposed self-development processes. Weekly we challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone to learn...

A sneak peak into Victoria’s secrets

January 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

This post will only be useful if you're in Victoria, and on Facebook, but I have created a Facebook group called "Victoria's secrets". Not related to the lin...

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British Columbia

You lose your rights under the Mental Health Act

November 27, 2013 | 2 minute read

I just read this article in Focus magazine [PDF] which is the source of what nightmares are made of. Apparently in Canada, you lose your rights if being arre...

Is your political party research for sale?

March 17, 2013 | 1 minute read

With a looming provincial election in British Columbia this May, I decided it's time to do some research. For those that follow my privacy and security blog,...

Welcome to the New Amsterdam

March 16, 2012 | 1 minute read

Victoria has always been a tourist city, but for the first time in a long time, that is going to hit new heights. We have a new city council, lead once again...

B.C. wineries

October 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Wondering where to find a winery near you in British Columbia? Wonder no more! If you’re the owner of one of these wineries, and would like your business na...

Evening to Inspire

October 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow night will be the 3rd Evening to Inspire event, a fundraiser for the BC Children's hospital foundation. ...

Artifact or artifiction

October 05, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Do you think you can tell the different between the real story about an artifact and a fake one? Would you like to enjoy some cocktails and food in the proce...

B.C. Private liquor stores

September 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Ever wonder where you can find a B.C. private liquor store near you? Wonder no more! If you're the owner of one of these liquor stores, and would like your ...

A sneak peak into Victoria’s secrets

January 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

This post will only be useful if you're in Victoria, and on Facebook, but I have created a Facebook group called "Victoria's secrets". Not related to the lin...

OpenTransitDB is now live

January 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Last week-end I was a part of the OpenDataBC hackathon. This is where a group of people interested in using open data (data that was previously confidential,...

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Welcome to the New Amsterdam

March 16, 2012 | 1 minute read

Victoria has always been a tourist city, but for the first time in a long time, that is going to hit new heights. We have a new city council, lead once again...

Victoria co-working space

December 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Over the years, we've seen several co-working spaces come and go. We've not seen a model yet that we thought would survive, even from the beginning. Over 2 y...

Evening to inspire - Seat auction

September 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm going to auction off one seat to the amazing Evening to Inspire event on October 7th. While the tickets are selling for $175/person, I will provide one t...

Ready to make your first interactive art display?

July 18, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

No matter what your background, this is your chance to learn the art side and the technical side of creating an interactive media exhibit! MediaNet is offeri...

A sneak peak into Victoria’s secrets

January 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

This post will only be useful if you're in Victoria, and on Facebook, but I have created a Facebook group called "Victoria's secrets". Not related to the lin...

Announcing the Victoria Pop Choir

January 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Nils Skalin is launching a Victoria Pop Choir. He says anyone can join, no matter what level of experience you have. He's created a Facebook group for those ...

Victoria Deals

December 27, 2010 | less than 1 minute read

Boxing day might be over, but everyone likes a deal. Earlier this year the creation of Groupon got a lot of hype. And when I say a lot here, I mean a huge v...

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Do Work Get Equity

December 17, 2020 | 1 minute read

Working just for money doesn’t retain workers, and working just for money isn’t satisfying.

Free education online

January 06, 2013 | 4 minute read

I posted a couple days ago, a list of free university course aggregators. I've had several people contact me with individual sites (such as MIT Open CourseWa...

Free university courses

January 03, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

I mentioned in August 2011 that Stanford started offering free university courses online for free. It's really exciting to see this trend spreading, most not...

File -> Print -> Laser

February 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Turns out that is one of the options you have when participating in Victoria's Makerspace. I drove out today to the AGM, where it was also an open house and ...

New years resolution? Get some new wallpaper!

January 02, 2011 | 1 minute read

About 7 years ago I got my Canadian amateur radio certificate, and discovered the world of ham radio awards and contests. In Canada, there are over 50 award...

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Adding Comments

December 24, 2020 | 1 minute read

In a previous life I would add comments using an open source system, and keep them inclusive and unmoderated, as I’ve always supported free speech. Unfortuna...

Use social media as you want to

January 19, 2012 | 1 minute read

I see a lot of  unsolicited directions on how to use social media contextually; don't be negative with social media! Don't auto-DM! Give origina...

Your social network

December 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

As people are justifiably upset with the privacy issues around Facebook, and several friends have left that network altogether recently, I've been wondering ...

Social Innovation in British Columbia

November 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm fortunate to have been chosen as one of the top 500 social innovators in British Columbia, and have been invited to participate in the discussion around ...

Ready to challenge yourself?

February 03, 2011 | 1 minute read

A few friends and I have been working through self imposed self-development processes. Weekly we challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone to learn...

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You lose your rights under the Mental Health Act

November 27, 2013 | 2 minute read

I just read this article in Focus magazine [PDF] which is the source of what nightmares are made of. Apparently in Canada, you lose your rights if being arre...

Sunsets in Victoria

February 03, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

We have some amazing sunsets, tonight was one of the best this year!  

Canada’s polygamy laws ruling released today

November 23, 2011 | 2 minute read

Today, Canada's polygamy laws were upheld by the Supreme court. I wonder how many guys are reading this today and are like,"My wives are gunna be upset about...

Parking Day - Victoria

May 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Last September I caught wind that there was going to a Parking day in Victoria, BC; so I applied for a parking spot and my application was accepted. As you m...

A sneak peak into Victoria’s secrets

January 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

This post will only be useful if you're in Victoria, and on Facebook, but I have created a Facebook group called "Victoria's secrets". Not related to the lin...

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Electoral Reform

April 10, 2013 | 2 minute read

Dear Elections BC; As we're about to head into another voting period in British Columbia, I wonder how long it will be until we see electoral reform. Since I...

Victoria, in the middle of the winter

January 22, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

We don't really do snow here, they still talk about the snow in '96, where they apparently got over an inch of it. It's the middle of the winter here in Vict...

What good is your roll of change?

December 21, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Not much, according to London Drugs. I had the misunderstanding that change had to be accepted, up to certain maximums that it's not excessive. In Canada thi...

Get out and vote!

November 16, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I just completed a short rant to a few friends on Facebook who were claiming inaction to voting is an action, or they were pleading ignorance to even knowing...

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Hacking sub $10 gadgets

October 18, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Even the most frugal of us now have the opportunity to hack, with the increase in sub $10 gadgets. I wrote a few weeks ago about the TI MSP430 for $4.30. Her...

Open Data Society of British Columbia

May 29, 2012 | 1 minute read

The current premier of British Columbia has committed to supporting the concept of Open Data by creating DataBC. Never before have British Columbians had acc...

Victoria’s Makerspace

September 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Victoria's makerspace is a community based tool collective. A group of us have put our cool tools all in one location, so you get the benefit of using other ...

Ready to make your first interactive art display?

July 18, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

No matter what your background, this is your chance to learn the art side and the technical side of creating an interactive media exhibit! MediaNet is offeri...

Microscope mod for your smartphone

June 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

With a $5 microscope and illuminator from, you can attach it to the case of your smartphone and take microscopic pictures!

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Free education online

January 06, 2013 | 4 minute read

I posted a couple days ago, a list of free university course aggregators. I've had several people contact me with individual sites (such as MIT Open CourseWa...

Free university courses

January 03, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

I mentioned in August 2011 that Stanford started offering free university courses online for free. It's really exciting to see this trend spreading, most not...

Wallpaper - The Head

November 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're looking for a free, open source solution for creating or editing images, check out the GNU Image Manipulation program, or the GIMP. While I've been...

NorthWest Ale launch today!

August 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

At 4p.m. today Spinnakers brewpub will launch their new NorthWest Ale! From their Facebook event: Free samples of NWA Live music Complimentary food pairings...

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Black Tie Dinner III

November 05, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Exactly one year since the last one, it's time for Black Tie Dinner III! If you've never heard about black tie dinner, click here. This time we're taking ove...

Hidden gems in Victoria

March 20, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Couchsurfing has a list of the top 50 "Best of Victoria" list. I also have a Facebook group called Victoria's Secrets to discuss these hidden gems. Are there...

Truth or Dare?

November 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I asked "Truth or Dare?" on Facebook and Twitter yesterday. I've received over 50 comments between the two, so it seems like people want to play. I see there...

Black Tie Dinner II

November 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

On Tuesday, November 22, 7:00pm – 8:30pm,  don’t miss the much anticipated Black Tie Dinner II! This is a fun event where we’ll take over the new Burger King...

Black Tie Dinner

August 19, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

On September 6th, 2011 at 7p.m. don't miss our first ever Black Tie Dinner! This is a fun event where we'll take over the McDonald's at 980 Pandora avenue we...

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Assessing Your Level As A Bitcoin Enthusiast

April 15, 2023 | 4 minute read

In order to determine where you stand as a Bitcoin enthusiast, I have devised a self-assessment tool. You are welcome to share your level after reading or le...

2022 Bitcoin And Nft Updates

March 02, 2022 | 8 minute read

It’s been over a year since my last article, so I figure it’s time for an update. This post is an intended provide a professional update for those interested.

Another chance to consider Bitcoin

January 04, 2017 | 1 minute read

As we have economic uncertainty in several countries around the world, you have to think where the world's elite are looking to put their money, and there's ...

Big day for bitcoins!

March 19, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

If you've never heard of bitcoins, they are a decentralized digital currency based on an open-source, peer-to-peer internet protocol. It was introduced by a ...

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Government liquor stores (LDB) in British Columbia

February 13, 2015 | less than 1 minute read

This map of government liquor stores in British Columbia was originally posted to on May 18, 2012. After publishing a list of wineries...

Libation calendar

October 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I've started a Victoria libation calendar. If you're aware of events around beverages that are fermented ot distilled in Victoria, contact me for edit access...

NorthWest Ale launch today!

August 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

At 4p.m. today Spinnakers brewpub will launch their new NorthWest Ale! From their Facebook event: Free samples of NWA Live music Complimentary food pairings...

Homebrew Korea: ‘Brew Your Best’ Fest

November 18, 2010 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Seoul, Korea this week-end, stop by the Homebrew Korea's Brew Your Best Fest! For only 25,000won it's an all you can eat and drink event! I've b...

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You lose your rights under the Mental Health Act

November 27, 2013 | 2 minute read

I just read this article in Focus magazine [PDF] which is the source of what nightmares are made of. Apparently in Canada, you lose your rights if being arre...

Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gunna do…

January 08, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

For as long as I can remember, I've been a radio scanner enthusiast. Although when I moved to Victoria, I knew they had adopted CREST which uses talk groups,...

Things get cloudy for #occupyvictoria

November 03, 2011 | 1 minute read

I'm not sure what changed, my understanding of the #occupyvictoria movement in centennial square (beside city hall) is that the protestors would be left alon...

Isn’t blaming the weapon a little premature?

January 19, 2011 | 1 minute read

I just read the Victoria Police Department's press release regarding the attempted murder of Cst. Lane Douglas-Hunt yesterday. It makes me angry, frustrated,...

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Is your political party research for sale?

March 17, 2013 | 1 minute read

With a looming provincial election in British Columbia this May, I decided it's time to do some research. For those that follow my privacy and security blog,...

Get out and vote!

November 16, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I just completed a short rant to a few friends on Facebook who were claiming inaction to voting is an action, or they were pleading ignorance to even knowing...

The corruption pyramid in Egypt

January 28, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

The vast majority of the internet was shut off in Egypt yesterday. (graph). Wikileaks has responded with a bunch of Egypt related cables. A s...

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2022 Bitcoin And Nft Updates

March 02, 2022 | 8 minute read

It’s been over a year since my last article, so I figure it’s time for an update. This post is an intended provide a professional update for those interested.

Dark Information Sharing

November 25, 2015 | 2 minute read

Here are a few links I mentioned regarding the Dark side of Information Sharing last night at Nik Badminton's sold out Dark Futures conference. These are pub...

Is your political party research for sale?

March 17, 2013 | 1 minute read

With a looming provincial election in British Columbia this May, I decided it's time to do some research. For those that follow my privacy and security blog,...

Replacing Google with DuckDuckGo

January 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I wrote an article on PrivaSecTech last week about how Google is now filtering things the American movie and music industry want it to filter, and decided it...

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Centre of the Universe is quietly being closed?

June 21, 2013 | 1 minute read

It is being alleged on social media that the Astronomy interpretive centre known in Victoria at the Centre of the Universe is being closed at the centre of t...

Put a man in space? pfffht!

December 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

My friend Nick Farr and team have recently started Copenhagen Suborbitals which plan on launching a human into space. I'm lucky to know a lot of really talen...

File -> Print -> Laser

February 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Turns out that is one of the options you have when participating in Victoria's Makerspace. I drove out today to the AGM, where it was also an open house and ...

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Open Data Society of British Columbia

May 29, 2012 | 1 minute read

The current premier of British Columbia has committed to supporting the concept of Open Data by creating DataBC. Never before have British Columbians had acc...

The sharing of ideas

April 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While ideas meetings started in Victoria over three years ago, and IdeaWave 2 years ago, there are now a bunch of other community based idea sharing groups i...

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Innovation month in Victoria

January 30, 2012 | 2 minute read

I declare February as Innovation Month. If you've had a really good idea for years you've been sitting on, or just had an epiphany now, there is no better ti...

Evening to Inspire

October 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow night will be the 3rd Evening to Inspire event, a fundraiser for the BC Children's hospital foundation. ...

The sharing of ideas

April 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While ideas meetings started in Victoria over three years ago, and IdeaWave 2 years ago, there are now a bunch of other community based idea sharing groups i...

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Do Work Get Equity

December 17, 2020 | 1 minute read

Working just for money doesn’t retain workers, and working just for money isn’t satisfying.

ASC in Vancouver

November 03, 2014 | 1 minute read

UPDATE! As we're still receiving $50 entries from people wanting to be awesomites, we're moving the event to January 28th, 2015. The call for submissions is ...

Open Data Society of British Columbia

May 29, 2012 | 1 minute read

The current premier of British Columbia has committed to supporting the concept of Open Data by creating DataBC. Never before have British Columbians had acc...

Shared co-working space

June 02, 2011 | 1 minute read

A group of us from the Victoria - Ideas meetings have been talking for some time about getting a shared co-working space in Victoria. It is intended for thos...

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Adding Comments

December 24, 2020 | 1 minute read

In a previous life I would add comments using an open source system, and keep them inclusive and unmoderated, as I’ve always supported free speech. Unfortuna...

Do Work Get Equity

December 17, 2020 | 1 minute read

Working just for money doesn’t retain workers, and working just for money isn’t satisfying.

Thinking and succeeding as a Modern Business

March 26, 2013 | 2 minute read

I often consult one-on-one with entrepreneurs, but recently I had the opportunity to speak to a room full of leaders in non-profit and social enterprise.  Di...

Shared co-working space

June 02, 2011 | 1 minute read

A group of us from the Victoria - Ideas meetings have been talking for some time about getting a shared co-working space in Victoria. It is intended for thos...

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Project - Help someone out

October 24, 2013 | 2 minute read

This post is about my latest project idea - Help someone out. Version 0.2 - Oct 24th 10:08am EST. Check back regularly, as I'll be updating this post based o...

Can you afford to give up a few vegetables?

February 20, 2012 | 1 minute read

Thanks to Victoria city councilor Lisa Helps, I was made aware of a Victoria citizen who has made a request for vegetables. I can't imagine making such a...

Random acts of pizza

June 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Just in case you're losing faith in humanity, there's a subreddit to bring it all back. Random acts of pizza is for those that have fallen on hard times, as ...

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Met a woman on a bench here in…

October 03, 2018 | less than 1 minute read

Met a woman on a bench here in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. She went from homeless to an SRO recently, as she had a double mastectomy and needed the s...

Map of cheap meals in British Columbia

January 23, 2015 | less than 1 minute read

Enjoy my map of cheap meals in British Columbia! If you know of anywhere in British Columbia you can get a proper meal for $5 or less, please contact me and ...

Fruits and vegetables in Vancouver

September 16, 2014 | less than 1 minute read

I was wondering where to buy my fruits and vegetables in Vancouver, and I realize knowing where is cheaper at any given time is a problem that is still not s...

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Victoria, in the middle of the winter

January 22, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

We don't really do snow here, they still talk about the snow in '96, where they apparently got over an inch of it. It's the middle of the winter here in Vict...

Sunsets in Victoria

February 03, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

We have some amazing sunsets, tonight was one of the best this year!  

It’s snowing!

January 17, 2012 | 1 minute read

It's fairly rare that it snows in Victoria, perhaps a bi-annual event. Right now it's really coming down here downtown, and it started last night. Around...

Christmas comes from a mushroom?

November 01, 2011 | 2 minute read

I have a few friends who are serious mushroom pickers on Vancouver island, who are very busy, as this is the season. I've been spoiled, I must have eaten a d...

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What produce is in season?

April 07, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Thanks to a conversation with Janice M and Maryanne C, a couple of Victoria's food experts and friends, I was pointed to a list of all of the fresh produce t...

Can you afford to give up a few vegetables?

February 20, 2012 | 1 minute read

Thanks to Victoria city councilor Lisa Helps, I was made aware of a Victoria citizen who has made a request for vegetables. I can't imagine making such a...

What’s the cheapest North American meal?

November 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After reading that the toast sandwich is officially the UK's cheapest meal, it made me wonder, what is the cheapest meal available in North America? Although...

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Fruits and vegetables in Vancouver

September 16, 2014 | less than 1 minute read

I was wondering where to buy my fruits and vegetables in Vancouver, and I realize knowing where is cheaper at any given time is a problem that is still not s...

100 pushups

April 08, 2013 | 1 minute read

Have you ever wondered what it would take to do 100 pushups? The folks at have developed a 6 week program to help you achieve that goal...

Can you afford to give up a few vegetables?

February 20, 2012 | 1 minute read

Thanks to Victoria city councilor Lisa Helps, I was made aware of a Victoria citizen who has made a request for vegetables. I can't imagine making such a...

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Creative Shirt

January 31, 2023 | 1 minute read

You’ve found me and my new creative shirt! We’re likely at SXSW or together!

Open And Decentralized Online Voting

January 06, 2023 | 3 minute read

I’ve been thinking about online voting for over a decade, first from doing security audits on them, and realizing how deficient they are in structure and sec...

Generating A Keypair With Nostr

January 04, 2023 | 6 minute read

The intention of this article to talk about key pairs and authentication, and how to generate a key pair to use nostr Notes and Other Things Over Relays.

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What do you use to shave?

July 20, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

I've been using Gillette Sensor Excel for shaving, but I see I can get 10 disposable razors for cheaper than 5 SE blades. Obviously the cheaper option ha...

Looking for cheap flights?

July 11, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

If you frequently travel, that likely means you also frequently try to find the best flight deals. I often use Matrix, or Hipmunk when looking for cheap flig...

Victoria Deals

December 27, 2010 | less than 1 minute read

Boxing day might be over, but everyone likes a deal. Earlier this year the creation of Groupon got a lot of hype. And when I say a lot here, I mean a huge v...

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Free education online

January 06, 2013 | 4 minute read

I posted a couple days ago, a list of free university course aggregators. I've had several people contact me with individual sites (such as MIT Open CourseWa...

Free university courses

January 03, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

I mentioned in August 2011 that Stanford started offering free university courses online for free. It's really exciting to see this trend spreading, most not...

New years resolution? Get some new wallpaper!

January 02, 2011 | 1 minute read

About 7 years ago I got my Canadian amateur radio certificate, and discovered the world of ham radio awards and contests. In Canada, there are over 50 award...

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Ultra Modern Condo For Sale Downtown Victoria

July 27, 2015 | 2 minute read

I have a one bedroom condo for sale downtown Victoria priced at $239,999 $220,000. They say location is important in choosing real estate, this location is p...

Sunsets in Victoria

February 03, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

We have some amazing sunsets, tonight was one of the best this year!  

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Free university courses

January 03, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

I mentioned in August 2011 that Stanford started offering free university courses online for free. It's really exciting to see this trend spreading, most not...

Open Data Society of British Columbia

May 29, 2012 | 1 minute read

The current premier of British Columbia has committed to supporting the concept of Open Data by creating DataBC. Never before have British Columbians had acc...

OpenTransitDB is now live

January 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Last week-end I was a part of the OpenDataBC hackathon. This is where a group of people interested in using open data (data that was previously confidential,...

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Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gunna do…

January 08, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

For as long as I can remember, I've been a radio scanner enthusiast. Although when I moved to Victoria, I knew they had adopted CREST which uses talk groups,...

The corruption pyramid in Egypt

January 28, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

The vast majority of the internet was shut off in Egypt yesterday. (graph). Wikileaks has responded with a bunch of Egypt related cables. A s...

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Put a man in space? pfffht!

December 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

My friend Nick Farr and team have recently started Copenhagen Suborbitals which plan on launching a human into space. I'm lucky to know a lot of really talen...

Microscope mod for your smartphone

June 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

With a $5 microscope and illuminator from, you can attach it to the case of your smartphone and take microscopic pictures!

File -> Print -> Laser

February 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Turns out that is one of the options you have when participating in Victoria's Makerspace. I drove out today to the AGM, where it was also an open house and ...

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Get out and vote!

November 16, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I just completed a short rant to a few friends on Facebook who were claiming inaction to voting is an action, or they were pleading ignorance to even knowing...

Does your vote count?

April 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

There are a lot of reasons to not be happy with the current political system, as I've mentioned, I  believe that electoral reform should be the main concern ...

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What media matters?

November 08, 2011 | 3 minute read

I recently had the opportunity to meet Bill Weaver, host of a popular annual retreat called Media That Matters. I know several people who have attended, from...

Browser plugin request: Media tab

May 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While I often have over 50 tabs running in Firefox or Chrome, sometimes one or two will start playing audio or video, and there is no easy way to know which ...

From press release to newspaper article

March 28, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I read a press release on a tragic story earlier today from the Saanich police on a sexual assault that happened this week-end. A few hours later I came acro...

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Electoral Reform

April 10, 2013 | 2 minute read

Dear Elections BC; As we're about to head into another voting period in British Columbia, I wonder how long it will be until we see electoral reform. Since I...

The Canadian election issues that matter to me

April 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm sending this to all registered political parties I can find in Canada. email kris at with your party's perspective on any/all of these issues...

Does your vote count?

April 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

There are a lot of reasons to not be happy with the current political system, as I've mentioned, I  believe that electoral reform should be the main concern ...

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Dark Information Sharing

November 25, 2015 | 2 minute read

Here are a few links I mentioned regarding the Dark side of Information Sharing last night at Nik Badminton's sold out Dark Futures conference. These are pub...

If only there was a United Way to contact them…

November 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

For three years I've heard an advertisement by the United Way on the radio in Victoria, BC. It claims that they help one in every three people in Victoria. T... breaking the internet

May 11, 2011 | 5 minute read

On the internet, network services are commonly defined by the port they use. For example, when you are on a website, you're typically connected to port 80 of...

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Victoria’s Electronic Music Festival

July 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Victoria this week-end, check out the VEMF today and tomorrow from noon until 10p.m. officially, and then there are a lot of after party venues....

Missing Vishnu Veil

June 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

This is my favourite loop I've created thus far. If you put it on loop, you can (and I have) listened to it for hours. Let me know what you think! </embed...

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May 25, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

While visiting my cottage this year for the first time in years, I had a chipmunk stare at me at squeak for at least 10 minutes. I managed to get a minute of...

What media matters?

November 08, 2011 | 3 minute read

I recently had the opportunity to meet Bill Weaver, host of a popular annual retreat called Media That Matters. I know several people who have attended, from...

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Idea: A game that offers real certifications?

November 14, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After watching a TED talk by Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world today, I immediately came up with an idea; what if while questing in a game you w...

Truth or Dare?

November 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I asked "Truth or Dare?" on Facebook and Twitter yesterday. I've received over 50 comments between the two, so it seems like people want to play. I see there...

Youtube buffering easter egg

June 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Next time you're on youtube and watching the buffer wheel: Hit one of your keyboard arrow keys. Now you'll be playing a game of snakes while you wait for yo...

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Creatively United Mobile Phone Photo-Art Show!

April 23, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Last week-end I had the opportunity to have 3 of my photos shown at the first annual Creatively United Mobile Phone Photo-art show.   The photos had to...


January 31, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

If you've done anything in the digital interactive media circuit in Victoria, you've crossed paths with the talented David Parfit and/or Scott Amos. On Frida...

Ready to make your first interactive art display?

July 18, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

No matter what your background, this is your chance to learn the art side and the technical side of creating an interactive media exhibit! MediaNet is offeri...

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Job Jar is looking for alpha testers

June 06, 2013 | 1 minute read

In the software development lifecycle, the alpha stage is when you have your minimal viable product (MVP) and are ready for testing. This means things will l...

Evening to inspire - Seat auction

September 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm going to auction off one seat to the amazing Evening to Inspire event on October 7th. While the tickets are selling for $175/person, I will provide one t...

What would you do for $5?

August 18, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Could you build a list of things you'd do for $5? If so, check out FIVERR, but warning, I spent over 2 hours going through this site my first time. It's amaz...

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Government liquor stores (LDB) in British Columbia

February 13, 2015 | less than 1 minute read

This map of government liquor stores in British Columbia was originally posted to on May 18, 2012. After publishing a list of wineries...

B.C. wineries

October 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Wondering where to find a winery near you in British Columbia? Wonder no more! If you’re the owner of one of these wineries, and would like your business na...

B.C. Private liquor stores

September 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Ever wonder where you can find a B.C. private liquor store near you? Wonder no more! If you're the owner of one of these liquor stores, and would like your ...

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If only there was a United Way to contact them…

November 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

For three years I've heard an advertisement by the United Way on the radio in Victoria, BC. It claims that they help one in every three people in Victoria. T...

Evening to Inspire

October 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow night will be the 3rd Evening to Inspire event, a fundraiser for the BC Children's hospital foundation. ...

Evening to inspire - Seat auction

September 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm going to auction off one seat to the amazing Evening to Inspire event on October 7th. While the tickets are selling for $175/person, I will provide one t...

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looking for a place to stay for two months

January 03, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

Someone wants to rent my condo short-term, so I'm looking for a place to stay for two months. Priorities, in order of importance (but not required): Broadba...

Hacking sub $10 gadgets

October 18, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Even the most frugal of us now have the opportunity to hack, with the increase in sub $10 gadgets. I wrote a few weeks ago about the TI MSP430 for $4.30. Her...

What’s the cheapest North American meal?

November 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After reading that the toast sandwich is officially the UK's cheapest meal, it made me wonder, what is the cheapest meal available in North America? Although...

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social media

Project - Help someone out

October 24, 2013 | 2 minute read

This post is about my latest project idea - Help someone out. Version 0.2 - Oct 24th 10:08am EST. Check back regularly, as I'll be updating this post based o...

Use social media as you want to

January 19, 2012 | 1 minute read

I see a lot of  unsolicited directions on how to use social media contextually; don't be negative with social media! Don't auto-DM! Give origina...

Your social network

December 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

As people are justifiably upset with the privacy issues around Facebook, and several friends have left that network altogether recently, I've been wondering ...

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Bc Big Tree Map

December 04, 2020 | less than 1 minute read

I had the chance to attend Creative Mornings/Vancouver chapter this morning, where Amanda Lewis spoke on the topic of Biophilia, specifically about her pursu...

Hidden gems in Victoria

March 20, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Couchsurfing has a list of the top 50 "Best of Victoria" list. I also have a Facebook group called Victoria's Secrets to discuss these hidden gems. Are there...

Put a man in space? pfffht!

December 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

My friend Nick Farr and team have recently started Copenhagen Suborbitals which plan on launching a human into space. I'm lucky to know a lot of really talen...

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Looking for cheap flights?

July 11, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

If you frequently travel, that likely means you also frequently try to find the best flight deals. I often use Matrix, or Hipmunk when looking for cheap flig...

Profile: Mitch Altman, hacker.

June 29, 2012 | 1 minute read

I had the opportunity to meet Mitch Altman in Tokyo a few years ago, at the Tokyo hackerspace. Mitch is a rare breed; he's got world class level of smart...

Hidden gems in Victoria

March 20, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Couchsurfing has a list of the top 50 "Best of Victoria" list. I also have a Facebook group called Victoria's Secrets to discuss these hidden gems. Are there...

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Looking for cheap flights?

July 11, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

If you frequently travel, that likely means you also frequently try to find the best flight deals. I often use Matrix, or Hipmunk when looking for cheap flig...

Victoria Deals

December 27, 2010 | less than 1 minute read

Boxing day might be over, but everyone likes a deal. Earlier this year the creation of Groupon got a lot of hype. And when I say a lot here, I mean a huge v...

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Victoria’s Electronic Music Festival

July 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Victoria this week-end, check out the VEMF today and tomorrow from noon until 10p.m. officially, and then there are a lot of after party venues....

Announcing the Victoria Pop Choir

January 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Nils Skalin is launching a Victoria Pop Choir. He says anyone can join, no matter what level of experience you have. He's created a Facebook group for those ...

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Ultra Modern Condo For Sale Downtown Victoria

July 27, 2015 | 2 minute read

I have a one bedroom condo for sale downtown Victoria priced at $239,999 $220,000. They say location is important in choosing real estate, this location is p...

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Open Data Society of British Columbia

May 29, 2012 | 1 minute read

The current premier of British Columbia has committed to supporting the concept of Open Data by creating DataBC. Never before have British Columbians had acc...

OpenTransitDB is now live

January 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Last week-end I was a part of the OpenDataBC hackathon. This is where a group of people interested in using open data (data that was previously confidential,...

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Your social network

December 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

As people are justifiably upset with the privacy issues around Facebook, and several friends have left that network altogether recently, I've been wondering ...

A sneak peak into Victoria’s secrets

January 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

This post will only be useful if you're in Victoria, and on Facebook, but I have created a Facebook group called "Victoria's secrets". Not related to the lin...

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Hidden gems in Victoria

March 20, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Couchsurfing has a list of the top 50 "Best of Victoria" list. I also have a Facebook group called Victoria's Secrets to discuss these hidden gems. Are there...

A sneak peak into Victoria’s secrets

January 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

This post will only be useful if you're in Victoria, and on Facebook, but I have created a Facebook group called "Victoria's secrets". Not related to the lin...

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A fight on Google’s street view

December 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you slowly scroll towards the two kids, and even passed them and look back, it appears as though you are watching the two boys walking, and get into a phy...

Replacing Google with DuckDuckGo

January 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I wrote an article on PrivaSecTech last week about how Google is now filtering things the American movie and music industry want it to filter, and decided it...

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File -> Print -> Laser

February 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Turns out that is one of the options you have when participating in Victoria's Makerspace. I drove out today to the AGM, where it was also an open house and ...

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If only there was a United Way to contact them…

November 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

For three years I've heard an advertisement by the United Way on the radio in Victoria, BC. It claims that they help one in every three people in Victoria. T...

Are you ready for live radio?

February 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

I've done several radio interviews now, first with the campaign to save the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling Club in 2008, and the last few years mostly for pr...

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Idea: A game that offers real certifications?

November 14, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After watching a TED talk by Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world today, I immediately came up with an idea; what if while questing in a game you w...

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The sharing of ideas

April 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While ideas meetings started in Victoria over three years ago, and IdeaWave 2 years ago, there are now a bunch of other community based idea sharing groups i...

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What’s the cheapest North American meal?

November 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After reading that the toast sandwich is officially the UK's cheapest meal, it made me wonder, what is the cheapest meal available in North America? Although...

What do you do that is interesting?

March 19, 2011 | 1 minute read

Since watching Christopher Bowers 2010 IdeaWave talk, I've tried to stop saying the standard hello/how are you if it's more than in passing, hoping to get so...

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social currency

The tender conscious of the herd

January 26, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

One of my younger brothers started a blog and I found a quote that really resonated with me, "[It] really wasn't a necessity. It was more of an atte...

What do you do that is interesting?

March 19, 2011 | 1 minute read

Since watching Christopher Bowers 2010 IdeaWave talk, I've tried to stop saying the standard hello/how are you if it's more than in passing, hoping to get so...

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The Pathway Project

May 17, 2011 | 1 minute read

As I've been on both sides of the interview desk, I had the opportunity today to work with Jen and Randy last week who are doing amazing work at The Pathway...

What do you do that is interesting?

March 19, 2011 | 1 minute read

Since watching Christopher Bowers 2010 IdeaWave talk, I've tried to stop saying the standard hello/how are you if it's more than in passing, hoping to get so...

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Electoral Reform

April 10, 2013 | 2 minute read

Dear Elections BC; As we're about to head into another voting period in British Columbia, I wonder how long it will be until we see electoral reform. Since I...

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What media matters?

November 08, 2011 | 3 minute read

I recently had the opportunity to meet Bill Weaver, host of a popular annual retreat called Media That Matters. I know several people who have attended, from...

From press release to newspaper article

March 28, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I read a press release on a tragic story earlier today from the Saanich police on a sexual assault that happened this week-end. A few hours later I came acro...

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August 08, 2011 | 2 minute read

I'm often asked what in the world "cqwww" means, and why I would have picked that for my twitter handle. I've been an amateur (ham) radio operator since arou...

Fix your website, please.

April 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

I'm not nearly as passionate about your website as you are. When I go to your website, I'm looking for only two things: consciously: I'm looking for content....

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The Canadian election issues that matter to me

April 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm sending this to all registered political parties I can find in Canada. email kris at with your party's perspective on any/all of these issues...

Does your vote count?

April 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

There are a lot of reasons to not be happy with the current political system, as I've mentioned, I  believe that electoral reform should be the main concern ...

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Pecha Kucha

The sharing of ideas

April 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While ideas meetings started in Victoria over three years ago, and IdeaWave 2 years ago, there are now a bunch of other community based idea sharing groups i...

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Truth or Dare?

November 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I asked "Truth or Dare?" on Facebook and Twitter yesterday. I've received over 50 comments between the two, so it seems like people want to play. I see there...

The sharing of ideas

April 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While ideas meetings started in Victoria over three years ago, and IdeaWave 2 years ago, there are now a bunch of other community based idea sharing groups i...

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city of victoria

Parking Day - Victoria

May 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Last September I caught wind that there was going to a Parking day in Victoria, BC; so I applied for a parking spot and my application was accepted. As you m...

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Beacon Hill Goat Run

March 21, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

Every day at 10:10a.m. and 4:10p.m. you can catch the Beacon Hill Goat Run down at the Beacon Hill Children's Farm. https://www....

Parking Day - Victoria

May 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Last September I caught wind that there was going to a Parking day in Victoria, BC; so I applied for a parking spot and my application was accepted. As you m...

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Creatively United Mobile Phone Photo-Art Show!

April 23, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Last week-end I had the opportunity to have 3 of my photos shown at the first annual Creatively United Mobile Phone Photo-art show.   The photos had to...

Android app request - Rogers MY5 updater

May 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

In Canada, if you have Rogers wireless as your cellphone provider, they offer a My5 and My10 plan, where you list the 5 or 10 people you talk to the most, an...

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Victoria’s Makerspace

September 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Victoria's makerspace is a community based tool collective. A group of us have put our cool tools all in one location, so you get the benefit of using other ...

Animated magic eye

May 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Have you ever seen a "magic eye" image? technically known as a stereogram? Today I discovered there is an animated one. Amazing!  

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Victoria co-working space

December 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Over the years, we've seen several co-working spaces come and go. We've not seen a model yet that we thought would survive, even from the beginning. Over 2 y...

Shared co-working space

June 02, 2011 | 1 minute read

A group of us from the Victoria - Ideas meetings have been talking for some time about getting a shared co-working space in Victoria. It is intended for thos...

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What’s the cheapest North American meal?

November 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After reading that the toast sandwich is officially the UK's cheapest meal, it made me wonder, what is the cheapest meal available in North America? Although...

Random acts of pizza

June 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Just in case you're losing faith in humanity, there's a subreddit to bring it all back. Random acts of pizza is for those that have fallen on hard times, as ...

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Can you afford to give up a few vegetables?

February 20, 2012 | 1 minute read

Thanks to Victoria city councilor Lisa Helps, I was made aware of a Victoria citizen who has made a request for vegetables. I can't imagine making such a...

Random acts of pizza

June 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Just in case you're losing faith in humanity, there's a subreddit to bring it all back. Random acts of pizza is for those that have fallen on hard times, as ...

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Victoria’s Makerspace

September 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Victoria's makerspace is a community based tool collective. A group of us have put our cool tools all in one location, so you get the benefit of using other ...

Microscope mod for your smartphone

June 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

With a $5 microscope and illuminator from, you can attach it to the case of your smartphone and take microscopic pictures!

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Hacking sub $10 gadgets

October 18, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Even the most frugal of us now have the opportunity to hack, with the increase in sub $10 gadgets. I wrote a few weeks ago about the TI MSP430 for $4.30. Her...

Ready to make your first interactive art display?

July 18, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

No matter what your background, this is your chance to learn the art side and the technical side of creating an interactive media exhibit! MediaNet is offeri...

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Is morse code still alive?

November 07, 2011 | 1 minute read

I read an article in yesterday's Vancouver sun that is calling for the death knell of morse code, known by those in the amateur (ham) radio community as cont...


August 08, 2011 | 2 minute read

I'm often asked what in the world "cqwww" means, and why I would have picked that for my twitter handle. I've been an amateur (ham) radio operator since arou...

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ham radio

Is morse code still alive?

November 07, 2011 | 1 minute read

I read an article in yesterday's Vancouver sun that is calling for the death knell of morse code, known by those in the amateur (ham) radio community as cont...


August 08, 2011 | 2 minute read

I'm often asked what in the world "cqwww" means, and why I would have picked that for my twitter handle. I've been an amateur (ham) radio operator since arou...

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Use social media as you want to

January 19, 2012 | 1 minute read

I see a lot of  unsolicited directions on how to use social media contextually; don't be negative with social media! Don't auto-DM! Give origina...

#YYJ, the navigation aid on Saltspring Island

August 11, 2011 | 1 minute read

Twitter often uses airport codes as hashtags in municipal areas to build community, however the misuse of these codes can lead to technically incorrect resul...

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Free education online

January 06, 2013 | 4 minute read

I posted a couple days ago, a list of free university course aggregators. I've had several people contact me with individual sites (such as MIT Open CourseWa...

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Free university courses

January 03, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

I mentioned in August 2011 that Stanford started offering free university courses online for free. It's really exciting to see this trend spreading, most not...

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Black Tie Dinner II

November 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

On Tuesday, November 22, 7:00pm – 8:30pm,  don’t miss the much anticipated Black Tie Dinner II! This is a fun event where we’ll take over the new Burger King...

Black Tie Dinner

August 19, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

On September 6th, 2011 at 7p.m. don't miss our first ever Black Tie Dinner! This is a fun event where we'll take over the McDonald's at 980 Pandora avenue we...

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fine dining

Black Tie Dinner II

November 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

On Tuesday, November 22, 7:00pm – 8:30pm,  don’t miss the much anticipated Black Tie Dinner II! This is a fun event where we’ll take over the new Burger King...

Black Tie Dinner

August 19, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

On September 6th, 2011 at 7p.m. don't miss our first ever Black Tie Dinner! This is a fun event where we'll take over the McDonald's at 980 Pandora avenue we...

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flash dinner

Black Tie Dinner II

November 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

On Tuesday, November 22, 7:00pm – 8:30pm,  don’t miss the much anticipated Black Tie Dinner II! This is a fun event where we’ll take over the new Burger King...

Black Tie Dinner

August 19, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

On September 6th, 2011 at 7p.m. don't miss our first ever Black Tie Dinner! This is a fun event where we'll take over the McDonald's at 980 Pandora avenue we...

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Intrepid Theatre

25th Victoria Fringe launches today

August 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After catching a couple fringe shows several years ago, I was fortunate enough to win a fringe "Superpass" at the after party, that would allow me to see all...

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B.C. wineries

October 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Wondering where to find a winery near you in British Columbia? Wonder no more! If you’re the owner of one of these wineries, and would like your business na...

B.C. Private liquor stores

September 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Ever wonder where you can find a B.C. private liquor store near you? Wonder no more! If you're the owner of one of these liquor stores, and would like your ...

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Bc Big Tree Map

December 04, 2020 | less than 1 minute read

I had the chance to attend Creative Mornings/Vancouver chapter this morning, where Amanda Lewis spoke on the topic of Biophilia, specifically about her pursu...

B.C. Private liquor stores

September 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Ever wonder where you can find a B.C. private liquor store near you? Wonder no more! If you're the owner of one of these liquor stores, and would like your ...

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Evening to inspire - Seat auction

September 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm going to auction off one seat to the amazing Evening to Inspire event on October 7th. While the tickets are selling for $175/person, I will provide one t...

Victoria’s Makerspace

September 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Victoria's makerspace is a community based tool collective. A group of us have put our cool tools all in one location, so you get the benefit of using other ...

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Evening to Inspire

October 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow night will be the 3rd Evening to Inspire event, a fundraiser for the BC Children's hospital foundation. ...

Evening to inspire - Seat auction

September 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm going to auction off one seat to the amazing Evening to Inspire event on October 7th. While the tickets are selling for $175/person, I will provide one t...

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Evening to Inspire

October 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow night will be the 3rd Evening to Inspire event, a fundraiser for the BC Children's hospital foundation. ...

Artifact or artifiction

October 05, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Do you think you can tell the different between the real story about an artifact and a fake one? Would you like to enjoy some cocktails and food in the proce...

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Beacon Hill Goat Run

March 21, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

Every day at 10:10a.m. and 4:10p.m. you can catch the Beacon Hill Goat Run down at the Beacon Hill Children's Farm. https://www....

Evening to Inspire

October 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow night will be the 3rd Evening to Inspire event, a fundraiser for the BC Children's hospital foundation. ...

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Can you afford to give up a few vegetables?

February 20, 2012 | 1 minute read

Thanks to Victoria city councilor Lisa Helps, I was made aware of a Victoria citizen who has made a request for vegetables. I can't imagine making such a...

Evening to Inspire

October 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow night will be the 3rd Evening to Inspire event, a fundraiser for the BC Children's hospital foundation. ...

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B.C. wineries

October 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Wondering where to find a winery near you in British Columbia? Wonder no more! If you’re the owner of one of these wineries, and would like your business na...

Libation calendar

October 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I've started a Victoria libation calendar. If you're aware of events around beverages that are fermented ot distilled in Victoria, contact me for edit access...

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Government liquor stores (LDB) in British Columbia

February 13, 2015 | less than 1 minute read

This map of government liquor stores in British Columbia was originally posted to on May 18, 2012. After publishing a list of wineries...

B.C. wineries

October 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Wondering where to find a winery near you in British Columbia? Wonder no more! If you’re the owner of one of these wineries, and would like your business na...

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What produce is in season?

April 07, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Thanks to a conversation with Janice M and Maryanne C, a couple of Victoria's food experts and friends, I was pointed to a list of all of the fresh produce t...

Apple harvest and pie tasting

October 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow morning the Moss street market will be hosting their second annual pie tasting. Show up by 10:30am, and for only $5 you can taste three of the pies....

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Merry Xmas

December 24, 2018 | less than 1 minute read

For years, I've said Merry Xmas, to the ire of many Christians in my life. This year, I present: which explains how Χριστό...

Christmas comes from a mushroom?

November 01, 2011 | 2 minute read

I have a few friends who are serious mushroom pickers on Vancouver island, who are very busy, as this is the season. I've been spoiled, I must have eaten a d...

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Put a man in space? pfffht!

December 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

My friend Nick Farr and team have recently started Copenhagen Suborbitals which plan on launching a human into space. I'm lucky to know a lot of really talen...

Is morse code still alive?

November 07, 2011 | 1 minute read

I read an article in yesterday's Vancouver sun that is calling for the death knell of morse code, known by those in the amateur (ham) radio community as cont...

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Open Data Society of British Columbia

May 29, 2012 | 1 minute read

The current premier of British Columbia has committed to supporting the concept of Open Data by creating DataBC. Never before have British Columbians had acc...

If only there was a United Way to contact them…

November 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

For three years I've heard an advertisement by the United Way on the radio in Victoria, BC. It claims that they help one in every three people in Victoria. T...

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Can you afford to give up a few vegetables?

February 20, 2012 | 1 minute read

Thanks to Victoria city councilor Lisa Helps, I was made aware of a Victoria citizen who has made a request for vegetables. I can't imagine making such a...

If only there was a United Way to contact them…

November 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

For three years I've heard an advertisement by the United Way on the radio in Victoria, BC. It claims that they help one in every three people in Victoria. T...

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Use social media as you want to

January 19, 2012 | 1 minute read

I see a lot of  unsolicited directions on how to use social media contextually; don't be negative with social media! Don't auto-DM! Give origina...

Black Tie Dinner II

November 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

On Tuesday, November 22, 7:00pm – 8:30pm,  don’t miss the much anticipated Black Tie Dinner II! This is a fun event where we’ll take over the new Burger King...

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Welcome to the New Amsterdam

March 16, 2012 | 1 minute read

Victoria has always been a tourist city, but for the first time in a long time, that is going to hit new heights. We have a new city council, lead once again...

Canada’s polygamy laws ruling released today

November 23, 2011 | 2 minute read

Today, Canada's polygamy laws were upheld by the Supreme court. I wonder how many guys are reading this today and are like,"My wives are gunna be upset about...

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Use social media as you want to

January 19, 2012 | 1 minute read

I see a lot of  unsolicited directions on how to use social media contextually; don't be negative with social media! Don't auto-DM! Give origina...

What good is your roll of change?

December 21, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Not much, according to London Drugs. I had the misunderstanding that change had to be accepted, up to certain maximums that it's not excessive. In Canada thi...

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How well do you sleep?

December 30, 2011 | 2 minute read

I've been curious for a while about my sleeping habits, as an entrepreneur on my own schedule, I don't use an alarm clock unless I have to. As a result, my s...

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How well do you sleep?

December 30, 2011 | 2 minute read

I've been curious for a while about my sleeping habits, as an entrepreneur on my own schedule, I don't use an alarm clock unless I have to. As a result, my s...

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Finding Purpose

September 25, 2018 | less than 1 minute read

Yesterday I had the pleasure of catching up with my friend Kerry, a Tibetan Buddhist Nun. This was an impromptu video where I pressed record, asked for a one...

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ASC in Vancouver

November 03, 2014 | 1 minute read

UPDATE! As we're still receiving $50 entries from people wanting to be awesomites, we're moving the event to January 28th, 2015. The call for submissions is ...

Innovation month in Victoria

January 30, 2012 | 2 minute read

I declare February as Innovation Month. If you've had a really good idea for years you've been sitting on, or just had an epiphany now, there is no better ti...

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Awesome shit club

ASC in Vancouver

November 03, 2014 | 1 minute read

UPDATE! As we're still receiving $50 entries from people wanting to be awesomites, we're moving the event to January 28th, 2015. The call for submissions is ...

Innovation month in Victoria

January 30, 2012 | 2 minute read

I declare February as Innovation Month. If you've had a really good idea for years you've been sitting on, or just had an epiphany now, there is no better ti...

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Job Jar is looking for alpha testers

June 06, 2013 | 1 minute read

In the software development lifecycle, the alpha stage is when you have your minimal viable product (MVP) and are ready for testing. This means things will l...

Can you afford to give up a few vegetables?

February 20, 2012 | 1 minute read

Thanks to Victoria city councilor Lisa Helps, I was made aware of a Victoria citizen who has made a request for vegetables. I can't imagine making such a...

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What produce is in season?

April 07, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Thanks to a conversation with Janice M and Maryanne C, a couple of Victoria's food experts and friends, I was pointed to a list of all of the fresh produce t...

Can you afford to give up a few vegetables?

February 20, 2012 | 1 minute read

Thanks to Victoria city councilor Lisa Helps, I was made aware of a Victoria citizen who has made a request for vegetables. I can't imagine making such a...

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Blue bridge

The blue bridge is down

February 23, 2013 | 1 minute read

As I bicycled towards the Johnson street blue bridge in the rain this afternoon, it was up as a barge was going through. Traffic was backed up East of Swans ...

Feeling blue, at the end of an era…

February 23, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

After ~87 years, the Johnson street bridge in Victoria, also known as the blue bridge, is being dismantled. You can read the details on the city of Victoria ...

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Johnson street

The blue bridge is down

February 23, 2013 | 1 minute read

As I bicycled towards the Johnson street blue bridge in the rain this afternoon, it was up as a barge was going through. Traffic was backed up East of Swans ...

Feeling blue, at the end of an era…

February 23, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

After ~87 years, the Johnson street bridge in Victoria, also known as the blue bridge, is being dismantled. You can read the details on the city of Victoria ...

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Fruits and vegetables in Vancouver

September 16, 2014 | less than 1 minute read

I was wondering where to buy my fruits and vegetables in Vancouver, and I realize knowing where is cheaper at any given time is a problem that is still not s...

What produce is in season?

April 07, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Thanks to a conversation with Janice M and Maryanne C, a couple of Victoria's food experts and friends, I was pointed to a list of all of the fresh produce t...

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Fruits and vegetables in Vancouver

September 16, 2014 | less than 1 minute read

I was wondering where to buy my fruits and vegetables in Vancouver, and I realize knowing where is cheaper at any given time is a problem that is still not s...

What produce is in season?

April 07, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Thanks to a conversation with Janice M and Maryanne C, a couple of Victoria's food experts and friends, I was pointed to a list of all of the fresh produce t...

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Free education online

January 06, 2013 | 4 minute read

I posted a couple days ago, a list of free university course aggregators. I've had several people contact me with individual sites (such as MIT Open CourseWa...

Free university courses

January 03, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

I mentioned in August 2011 that Stanford started offering free university courses online for free. It's really exciting to see this trend spreading, most not...

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Ultra Modern Condo For Sale Downtown Victoria

July 27, 2015 | 2 minute read

I have a one bedroom condo for sale downtown Victoria priced at $239,999 $220,000. They say location is important in choosing real estate, this location is p...

looking for a place to stay for two months

January 03, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

Someone wants to rent my condo short-term, so I'm looking for a place to stay for two months. Priorities, in order of importance (but not required): Broadba...

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for sale

Ultra Modern Condo For Sale Downtown Victoria

July 27, 2015 | 2 minute read

I have a one bedroom condo for sale downtown Victoria priced at $239,999 $220,000. They say location is important in choosing real estate, this location is p...

CPR Partners desk for sale

July 27, 2014 | less than 1 minute read

I'm selling my (Canadian Pacific Railway) CPR Partners desk. It's the nicest desk I've ever owned, I refinished it myself. It is from pre-World War I (approx...

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October 06, 2016 | 2 minute read

My thoughts on love. This will likely be updated as I feel I have new insights, as this is always evolving. I was reminded after reading a recent tweet by my...

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October 06, 2016 | 2 minute read

My thoughts on love. This will likely be updated as I feel I have new insights, as this is always evolving. I was reminded after reading a recent tweet by my...

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Another chance to consider Bitcoin

January 04, 2017 | 1 minute read

As we have economic uncertainty in several countries around the world, you have to think where the world's elite are looking to put their money, and there's ...

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Carfentanil found in Vancouver region

October 19, 2018 | less than 1 minute read

Here in Vancouver, specifically in the downtown eastside (DTES), on average two people are dying from an overdose per day, because of fentanyl. Fentanyl is r...

Met a woman on a bench here in…

October 03, 2018 | less than 1 minute read

Met a woman on a bench here in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. She went from homeless to an SRO recently, as she had a double mastectomy and needed the s...

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Homebrew Korea: ‘Brew Your Best’ Fest

November 18, 2010 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Seoul, Korea this week-end, stop by the Homebrew Korea's Brew Your Best Fest! For only 25,000won it's an all you can eat and drink event! I've b...

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homebrew korea

Homebrew Korea: ‘Brew Your Best’ Fest

November 18, 2010 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Seoul, Korea this week-end, stop by the Homebrew Korea's Brew Your Best Fest! For only 25,000won it's an all you can eat and drink event! I've b...

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Homebrew Korea: ‘Brew Your Best’ Fest

November 18, 2010 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Seoul, Korea this week-end, stop by the Homebrew Korea's Brew Your Best Fest! For only 25,000won it's an all you can eat and drink event! I've b...

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Homebrew Korea: ‘Brew Your Best’ Fest

November 18, 2010 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Seoul, Korea this week-end, stop by the Homebrew Korea's Brew Your Best Fest! For only 25,000won it's an all you can eat and drink event! I've b...

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rob titley

Homebrew Korea: ‘Brew Your Best’ Fest

November 18, 2010 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Seoul, Korea this week-end, stop by the Homebrew Korea's Brew Your Best Fest! For only 25,000won it's an all you can eat and drink event! I've b...

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Homebrew Korea: ‘Brew Your Best’ Fest

November 18, 2010 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Seoul, Korea this week-end, stop by the Homebrew Korea's Brew Your Best Fest! For only 25,000won it's an all you can eat and drink event! I've b...

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November 23, 2010 | 1 minute read

I spent the last week in Suwon and Seoul, here are a few items I felt worthy of note: * English is rare * The bus system is not in English except at main sta...

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November 23, 2010 | 1 minute read

I spent the last week in Suwon and Seoul, here are a few items I felt worthy of note: * English is rare * The bus system is not in English except at main sta...

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November 23, 2010 | 1 minute read

I spent the last week in Suwon and Seoul, here are a few items I felt worthy of note: * English is rare * The bus system is not in English except at main sta...

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November 23, 2010 | 1 minute read

I spent the last week in Suwon and Seoul, here are a few items I felt worthy of note: * English is rare * The bus system is not in English except at main sta...

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November 23, 2010 | 1 minute read

I spent the last week in Suwon and Seoul, here are a few items I felt worthy of note: * English is rare * The bus system is not in English except at main sta...

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Victoria Deals

December 27, 2010 | less than 1 minute read

Boxing day might be over, but everyone likes a deal. Earlier this year the creation of Groupon got a lot of hype. And when I say a lot here, I mean a huge v...

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Victoria Deals

December 27, 2010 | less than 1 minute read

Boxing day might be over, but everyone likes a deal. Earlier this year the creation of Groupon got a lot of hype. And when I say a lot here, I mean a huge v...

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Victoria Deals

December 27, 2010 | less than 1 minute read

Boxing day might be over, but everyone likes a deal. Earlier this year the creation of Groupon got a lot of hype. And when I say a lot here, I mean a huge v...

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New years resolution? Get some new wallpaper!

January 02, 2011 | 1 minute read

About 7 years ago I got my Canadian amateur radio certificate, and discovered the world of ham radio awards and contests. In Canada, there are over 50 award...

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New years resolution? Get some new wallpaper!

January 02, 2011 | 1 minute read

About 7 years ago I got my Canadian amateur radio certificate, and discovered the world of ham radio awards and contests. In Canada, there are over 50 award...

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self development

New years resolution? Get some new wallpaper!

January 02, 2011 | 1 minute read

About 7 years ago I got my Canadian amateur radio certificate, and discovered the world of ham radio awards and contests. In Canada, there are over 50 award...

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Announcing the Victoria Pop Choir

January 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Nils Skalin is launching a Victoria Pop Choir. He says anyone can join, no matter what level of experience you have. He's created a Facebook group for those ...

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Nils Skalin

Announcing the Victoria Pop Choir

January 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Nils Skalin is launching a Victoria Pop Choir. He says anyone can join, no matter what level of experience you have. He's created a Facebook group for those ...

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Announcing the Victoria Pop Choir

January 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Nils Skalin is launching a Victoria Pop Choir. He says anyone can join, no matter what level of experience you have. He's created a Facebook group for those ...

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bad dog

What do you do when no one is looking?

January 16, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Reddit pointed to this imgur image entitled "My wife made her wear this as punishment": and it made me recall some of the not-so-socially-acceptable thing...

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What do you do when no one is looking?

January 16, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Reddit pointed to this imgur image entitled "My wife made her wear this as punishment": and it made me recall some of the not-so-socially-acceptable thing...

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What do you do when no one is looking?

January 16, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Reddit pointed to this imgur image entitled "My wife made her wear this as punishment": and it made me recall some of the not-so-socially-acceptable thing...

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What do you do when no one is looking?

January 16, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Reddit pointed to this imgur image entitled "My wife made her wear this as punishment": and it made me recall some of the not-so-socially-acceptable thing...

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What do you do when no one is looking?

January 16, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Reddit pointed to this imgur image entitled "My wife made her wear this as punishment": and it made me recall some of the not-so-socially-acceptable thing...

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Isn’t blaming the weapon a little premature?

January 19, 2011 | 1 minute read

I just read the Victoria Police Department's press release regarding the attempted murder of Cst. Lane Douglas-Hunt yesterday. It makes me angry, frustrated,...

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Isn’t blaming the weapon a little premature?

January 19, 2011 | 1 minute read

I just read the Victoria Police Department's press release regarding the attempted murder of Cst. Lane Douglas-Hunt yesterday. It makes me angry, frustrated,...

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mental illness

Isn’t blaming the weapon a little premature?

January 19, 2011 | 1 minute read

I just read the Victoria Police Department's press release regarding the attempted murder of Cst. Lane Douglas-Hunt yesterday. It makes me angry, frustrated,...

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Victoria Police

Isn’t blaming the weapon a little premature?

January 19, 2011 | 1 minute read

I just read the Victoria Police Department's press release regarding the attempted murder of Cst. Lane Douglas-Hunt yesterday. It makes me angry, frustrated,...

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Isn’t blaming the weapon a little premature?

January 19, 2011 | 1 minute read

I just read the Victoria Police Department's press release regarding the attempted murder of Cst. Lane Douglas-Hunt yesterday. It makes me angry, frustrated,...

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OpenTransitDB is now live

January 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Last week-end I was a part of the OpenDataBC hackathon. This is where a group of people interested in using open data (data that was previously confidential,...

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OpenTransitDB is now live

January 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Last week-end I was a part of the OpenDataBC hackathon. This is where a group of people interested in using open data (data that was previously confidential,...

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The corruption pyramid in Egypt

January 28, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

The vast majority of the internet was shut off in Egypt yesterday. (graph). Wikileaks has responded with a bunch of Egypt related cables. A s...

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The corruption pyramid in Egypt

January 28, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

The vast majority of the internet was shut off in Egypt yesterday. (graph). Wikileaks has responded with a bunch of Egypt related cables. A s...

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The corruption pyramid in Egypt

January 28, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

The vast majority of the internet was shut off in Egypt yesterday. (graph). Wikileaks has responded with a bunch of Egypt related cables. A s...

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The corruption pyramid in Egypt

January 28, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

The vast majority of the internet was shut off in Egypt yesterday. (graph). Wikileaks has responded with a bunch of Egypt related cables. A s...

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The corruption pyramid in Egypt

January 28, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

The vast majority of the internet was shut off in Egypt yesterday. (graph). Wikileaks has responded with a bunch of Egypt related cables. A s...

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hidden gems

A sneak peak into Victoria’s secrets

January 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

This post will only be useful if you're in Victoria, and on Facebook, but I have created a Facebook group called "Victoria's secrets". Not related to the lin...

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Replacing Google with DuckDuckGo

January 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I wrote an article on PrivaSecTech last week about how Google is now filtering things the American movie and music industry want it to filter, and decided it...

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personal information

Replacing Google with DuckDuckGo

January 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I wrote an article on PrivaSecTech last week about how Google is now filtering things the American movie and music industry want it to filter, and decided it...

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Replacing Google with DuckDuckGo

January 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I wrote an article on PrivaSecTech last week about how Google is now filtering things the American movie and music industry want it to filter, and decided it...

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search engine

Replacing Google with DuckDuckGo

January 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I wrote an article on PrivaSecTech last week about how Google is now filtering things the American movie and music industry want it to filter, and decided it...

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Ready to challenge yourself?

February 03, 2011 | 1 minute read

A few friends and I have been working through self imposed self-development processes. Weekly we challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone to learn...

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comfort zone

Ready to challenge yourself?

February 03, 2011 | 1 minute read

A few friends and I have been working through self imposed self-development processes. Weekly we challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone to learn...

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Ready to challenge yourself?

February 03, 2011 | 1 minute read

A few friends and I have been working through self imposed self-development processes. Weekly we challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone to learn...

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Ready to challenge yourself?

February 03, 2011 | 1 minute read

A few friends and I have been working through self imposed self-development processes. Weekly we challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone to learn...

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Ready to challenge yourself?

February 03, 2011 | 1 minute read

A few friends and I have been working through self imposed self-development processes. Weekly we challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone to learn...

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Ready to challenge yourself?

February 03, 2011 | 1 minute read

A few friends and I have been working through self imposed self-development processes. Weekly we challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone to learn...

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File -> Print -> Laser

February 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Turns out that is one of the options you have when participating in Victoria's Makerspace. I drove out today to the AGM, where it was also an open house and ...

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File -> Print -> Laser

February 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Turns out that is one of the options you have when participating in Victoria's Makerspace. I drove out today to the AGM, where it was also an open house and ...

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File -> Print -> Laser

February 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Turns out that is one of the options you have when participating in Victoria's Makerspace. I drove out today to the AGM, where it was also an open house and ...

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maker faire

File -> Print -> Laser

February 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Turns out that is one of the options you have when participating in Victoria's Makerspace. I drove out today to the AGM, where it was also an open house and ...

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Are you ready for live radio?

February 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

I've done several radio interviews now, first with the campaign to save the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling Club in 2008, and the last few years mostly for pr...

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Are you ready for live radio?

February 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

I've done several radio interviews now, first with the campaign to save the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling Club in 2008, and the last few years mostly for pr...

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Are you ready for live radio?

February 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

I've done several radio interviews now, first with the campaign to save the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling Club in 2008, and the last few years mostly for pr...

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Are you ready for live radio?

February 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

I've done several radio interviews now, first with the campaign to save the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling Club in 2008, and the last few years mostly for pr...

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Are you ready for live radio?

February 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

I've done several radio interviews now, first with the campaign to save the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling Club in 2008, and the last few years mostly for pr...

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Are you ready for live radio?

February 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

I've done several radio interviews now, first with the campaign to save the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling Club in 2008, and the last few years mostly for pr...

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Don’t let the sun skunk your next beer

March 07, 2011 | 1 minute read

Ultraviolet (UV) light is the enemy of beer. The more UV a bottle will block, the less likely your beer is to go skunky, otherwise known as light struck fla...

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Don’t let the sun skunk your next beer

March 07, 2011 | 1 minute read

Ultraviolet (UV) light is the enemy of beer. The more UV a bottle will block, the less likely your beer is to go skunky, otherwise known as light struck fla...

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Don’t let the sun skunk your next beer

March 07, 2011 | 1 minute read

Ultraviolet (UV) light is the enemy of beer. The more UV a bottle will block, the less likely your beer is to go skunky, otherwise known as light struck fla...

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What do you do that is interesting?

March 19, 2011 | 1 minute read

Since watching Christopher Bowers 2010 IdeaWave talk, I've tried to stop saying the standard hello/how are you if it's more than in passing, hoping to get so...

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What do you do that is interesting?

March 19, 2011 | 1 minute read

Since watching Christopher Bowers 2010 IdeaWave talk, I've tried to stop saying the standard hello/how are you if it's more than in passing, hoping to get so...

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What do you do that is interesting?

March 19, 2011 | 1 minute read

Since watching Christopher Bowers 2010 IdeaWave talk, I've tried to stop saying the standard hello/how are you if it's more than in passing, hoping to get so...

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What do you do that is interesting?

March 19, 2011 | 1 minute read

Since watching Christopher Bowers 2010 IdeaWave talk, I've tried to stop saying the standard hello/how are you if it's more than in passing, hoping to get so...

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Katie DeRosa

What do you do that is interesting?

March 19, 2011 | 1 minute read

Since watching Christopher Bowers 2010 IdeaWave talk, I've tried to stop saying the standard hello/how are you if it's more than in passing, hoping to get so...

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electoral reform

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From press release to newspaper article

March 28, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I read a press release on a tragic story earlier today from the Saanich police on a sexual assault that happened this week-end. A few hours later I came acro...

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From press release to newspaper article

March 28, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I read a press release on a tragic story earlier today from the Saanich police on a sexual assault that happened this week-end. A few hours later I came acro...

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From press release to newspaper article

March 28, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I read a press release on a tragic story earlier today from the Saanich police on a sexual assault that happened this week-end. A few hours later I came acro...

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press release

From press release to newspaper article

March 28, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I read a press release on a tragic story earlier today from the Saanich police on a sexual assault that happened this week-end. A few hours later I came acro...

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Fix your website, please.

April 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

I'm not nearly as passionate about your website as you are. When I go to your website, I'm looking for only two things: consciously: I'm looking for content....

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Fix your website, please.

April 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

I'm not nearly as passionate about your website as you are. When I go to your website, I'm looking for only two things: consciously: I'm looking for content....

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Fix your website, please.

April 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

I'm not nearly as passionate about your website as you are. When I go to your website, I'm looking for only two things: consciously: I'm looking for content....

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Fix your website, please.

April 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

I'm not nearly as passionate about your website as you are. When I go to your website, I'm looking for only two things: consciously: I'm looking for content....

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Fix your website, please.

April 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

I'm not nearly as passionate about your website as you are. When I go to your website, I'm looking for only two things: consciously: I'm looking for content....

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Does your vote count?

April 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

There are a lot of reasons to not be happy with the current political system, as I've mentioned, I  believe that electoral reform should be the main concern ...

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Does your vote count?

April 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

There are a lot of reasons to not be happy with the current political system, as I've mentioned, I  believe that electoral reform should be the main concern ...

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Does your vote count?

April 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

There are a lot of reasons to not be happy with the current political system, as I've mentioned, I  believe that electoral reform should be the main concern ...

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Does your vote count?

April 23, 2011 | 1 minute read

There are a lot of reasons to not be happy with the current political system, as I've mentioned, I  believe that electoral reform should be the main concern ...

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ideas meetings

The sharing of ideas

April 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While ideas meetings started in Victoria over three years ago, and IdeaWave 2 years ago, there are now a bunch of other community based idea sharing groups i...

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lawn bowling

Parking Day - Victoria

May 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Last September I caught wind that there was going to a Parking day in Victoria, BC; so I applied for a parking spot and my application was accepted. As you m...

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parking day

Parking Day - Victoria

May 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Last September I caught wind that there was going to a Parking day in Victoria, BC; so I applied for a parking spot and my application was accepted. As you m...

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@shawinfo breaking the internet

May 11, 2011 | 5 minute read

On the internet, network services are commonly defined by the port they use. For example, when you are on a website, you're typically connected to port 80 of...

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accountability breaking the internet

May 11, 2011 | 5 minute read

On the internet, network services are commonly defined by the port they use. For example, when you are on a website, you're typically connected to port 80 of...

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CIRA breaking the internet

May 11, 2011 | 5 minute read

On the internet, network services are commonly defined by the port they use. For example, when you are on a website, you're typically connected to port 80 of...

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CRTC breaking the internet

May 11, 2011 | 5 minute read

On the internet, network services are commonly defined by the port they use. For example, when you are on a website, you're typically connected to port 80 of...

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governance breaking the internet

May 11, 2011 | 5 minute read

On the internet, network services are commonly defined by the port they use. For example, when you are on a website, you're typically connected to port 80 of...

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internet breaking the internet

May 11, 2011 | 5 minute read

On the internet, network services are commonly defined by the port they use. For example, when you are on a website, you're typically connected to port 80 of...

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ISP breaking the internet

May 11, 2011 | 5 minute read

On the internet, network services are commonly defined by the port they use. For example, when you are on a website, you're typically connected to port 80 of...

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openness breaking the internet

May 11, 2011 | 5 minute read

On the internet, network services are commonly defined by the port they use. For example, when you are on a website, you're typically connected to port 80 of...

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port 25 breaking the internet

May 11, 2011 | 5 minute read

On the internet, network services are commonly defined by the port they use. For example, when you are on a website, you're typically connected to port 80 of...

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Shaw breaking the internet

May 11, 2011 | 5 minute read

On the internet, network services are commonly defined by the port they use. For example, when you are on a website, you're typically connected to port 80 of...

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smtp breaking the internet

May 11, 2011 | 5 minute read

On the internet, network services are commonly defined by the port they use. For example, when you are on a website, you're typically connected to port 80 of...

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Telus breaking the internet

May 11, 2011 | 5 minute read

On the internet, network services are commonly defined by the port they use. For example, when you are on a website, you're typically connected to port 80 of...

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The Pathway Project

May 17, 2011 | 1 minute read

As I've been on both sides of the interview desk, I had the opportunity today to work with Jen and Randy last week who are doing amazing work at The Pathway...

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the pathway project

The Pathway Project

May 17, 2011 | 1 minute read

As I've been on both sides of the interview desk, I had the opportunity today to work with Jen and Randy last week who are doing amazing work at The Pathway...

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The Pathway Project

May 17, 2011 | 1 minute read

As I've been on both sides of the interview desk, I had the opportunity today to work with Jen and Randy last week who are doing amazing work at The Pathway...

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Android app request - Rogers MY5 updater

May 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

In Canada, if you have Rogers wireless as your cellphone provider, they offer a My5 and My10 plan, where you list the 5 or 10 people you talk to the most, an...

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Android app request - Rogers MY5 updater

May 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

In Canada, if you have Rogers wireless as your cellphone provider, they offer a My5 and My10 plan, where you list the 5 or 10 people you talk to the most, an...

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Android app request - Rogers MY5 updater

May 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

In Canada, if you have Rogers wireless as your cellphone provider, they offer a My5 and My10 plan, where you list the 5 or 10 people you talk to the most, an...

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Animated magic eye

May 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Have you ever seen a "magic eye" image? technically known as a stereogram? Today I discovered there is an animated one. Amazing!  

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Animated magic eye

May 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Have you ever seen a "magic eye" image? technically known as a stereogram? Today I discovered there is an animated one. Amazing!  

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magic eye

Animated magic eye

May 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Have you ever seen a "magic eye" image? technically known as a stereogram? Today I discovered there is an animated one. Amazing!  

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Animated magic eye

May 30, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Have you ever seen a "magic eye" image? technically known as a stereogram? Today I discovered there is an animated one. Amazing!  

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Browser plugin request: Media tab

May 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While I often have over 50 tabs running in Firefox or Chrome, sometimes one or two will start playing audio or video, and there is no easy way to know which ...

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Browser plugin request: Media tab

May 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While I often have over 50 tabs running in Firefox or Chrome, sometimes one or two will start playing audio or video, and there is no easy way to know which ...

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Browser plugin request: Media tab

May 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While I often have over 50 tabs running in Firefox or Chrome, sometimes one or two will start playing audio or video, and there is no easy way to know which ...

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Browser plugin request: Media tab

May 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While I often have over 50 tabs running in Firefox or Chrome, sometimes one or two will start playing audio or video, and there is no easy way to know which ...

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Browser plugin request: Media tab

May 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While I often have over 50 tabs running in Firefox or Chrome, sometimes one or two will start playing audio or video, and there is no easy way to know which ...

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Browser plugin request: Media tab

May 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

While I often have over 50 tabs running in Firefox or Chrome, sometimes one or two will start playing audio or video, and there is no easy way to know which ...

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optical illusion

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Shared co-working space

June 02, 2011 | 1 minute read

A group of us from the Victoria - Ideas meetings have been talking for some time about getting a shared co-working space in Victoria. It is intended for thos...

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Shared co-working space

June 02, 2011 | 1 minute read

A group of us from the Victoria - Ideas meetings have been talking for some time about getting a shared co-working space in Victoria. It is intended for thos...

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shared space

Shared co-working space

June 02, 2011 | 1 minute read

A group of us from the Victoria - Ideas meetings have been talking for some time about getting a shared co-working space in Victoria. It is intended for thos...

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Shared co-working space

June 02, 2011 | 1 minute read

A group of us from the Victoria - Ideas meetings have been talking for some time about getting a shared co-working space in Victoria. It is intended for thos...

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canada geese

Western Canada in a picture

June 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I managed to take this picture yesterday on Mayne island. I think it summarizes Western Canada quite well.  

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Western Canada in a picture

June 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I managed to take this picture yesterday on Mayne island. I think it summarizes Western Canada quite well.  

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island life

Western Canada in a picture

June 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I managed to take this picture yesterday on Mayne island. I think it summarizes Western Canada quite well.  

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Mayne island

Western Canada in a picture

June 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I managed to take this picture yesterday on Mayne island. I think it summarizes Western Canada quite well.  

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Western Canada in a picture

June 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I managed to take this picture yesterday on Mayne island. I think it summarizes Western Canada quite well.  

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Mt. Baker

Western Canada in a picture

June 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I managed to take this picture yesterday on Mayne island. I think it summarizes Western Canada quite well.  

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Western Canada in a picture

June 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I managed to take this picture yesterday on Mayne island. I think it summarizes Western Canada quite well.  

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West coast

Western Canada in a picture

June 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I managed to take this picture yesterday on Mayne island. I think it summarizes Western Canada quite well.  

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Atomic Vaudeville

Missing Vishnu Veil

June 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

This is my favourite loop I've created thus far. If you put it on loop, you can (and I have) listened to it for hours. Let me know what you think! </embed...

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Bollywood Batman

Missing Vishnu Veil

June 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

This is my favourite loop I've created thus far. If you put it on loop, you can (and I have) listened to it for hours. Let me know what you think! </embed...

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Missing Vishnu Veil

June 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

This is my favourite loop I've created thus far. If you put it on loop, you can (and I have) listened to it for hours. Let me know what you think! </embed...

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Missing Vishnu Veil

June 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

This is my favourite loop I've created thus far. If you put it on loop, you can (and I have) listened to it for hours. Let me know what you think! </embed...

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Vishnu Veil

Missing Vishnu Veil

June 06, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

This is my favourite loop I've created thus far. If you put it on loop, you can (and I have) listened to it for hours. Let me know what you think! </embed...

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Random acts of pizza

June 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Just in case you're losing faith in humanity, there's a subreddit to bring it all back. Random acts of pizza is for those that have fallen on hard times, as ...

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Random acts of pizza

June 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Just in case you're losing faith in humanity, there's a subreddit to bring it all back. Random acts of pizza is for those that have fallen on hard times, as ...

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Random acts of pizza

June 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Just in case you're losing faith in humanity, there's a subreddit to bring it all back. Random acts of pizza is for those that have fallen on hard times, as ...

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Random acts of pizza

June 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Just in case you're losing faith in humanity, there's a subreddit to bring it all back. Random acts of pizza is for those that have fallen on hard times, as ...

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Random acts of pizza

June 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Just in case you're losing faith in humanity, there's a subreddit to bring it all back. Random acts of pizza is for those that have fallen on hard times, as ...

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easter egg

Youtube buffering easter egg

June 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Next time you're on youtube and watching the buffer wheel: Hit one of your keyboard arrow keys. Now you'll be playing a game of snakes while you wait for yo...

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Youtube buffering easter egg

June 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Next time you're on youtube and watching the buffer wheel: Hit one of your keyboard arrow keys. Now you'll be playing a game of snakes while you wait for yo...

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Youtube buffering easter egg

June 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Next time you're on youtube and watching the buffer wheel: Hit one of your keyboard arrow keys. Now you'll be playing a game of snakes while you wait for yo...

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Microscope mod for your smartphone

June 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

With a $5 microscope and illuminator from, you can attach it to the case of your smartphone and take microscopic pictures!

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Microscope mod for your smartphone

June 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

With a $5 microscope and illuminator from, you can attach it to the case of your smartphone and take microscopic pictures!

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Microscope mod for your smartphone

June 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

With a $5 microscope and illuminator from, you can attach it to the case of your smartphone and take microscopic pictures!

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Microscope mod for your smartphone

June 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

With a $5 microscope and illuminator from, you can attach it to the case of your smartphone and take microscopic pictures!

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DIY DNA testing

July 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Do-it-yourself DNA testing is now possible with the OpenPCR kits which are only $512! Check out for the full details. "It is essential for most w...

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DIY DNA testing

July 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Do-it-yourself DNA testing is now possible with the OpenPCR kits which are only $512! Check out for the full details. "It is essential for most w...

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company website

Defining your websites in LinkedIn

July 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I noticed that by default when you enter your websites into LinkedIn, they usually say "Company website" or "Personal Website" without more details. This is ...

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Defining your websites in LinkedIn

July 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I noticed that by default when you enter your websites into LinkedIn, they usually say "Company website" or "Personal Website" without more details. This is ...

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personal website

Defining your websites in LinkedIn

July 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I noticed that by default when you enter your websites into LinkedIn, they usually say "Company website" or "Personal Website" without more details. This is ...

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Defining your websites in LinkedIn

July 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I noticed that by default when you enter your websites into LinkedIn, they usually say "Company website" or "Personal Website" without more details. This is ...

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Defining your websites in LinkedIn

July 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I noticed that by default when you enter your websites into LinkedIn, they usually say "Company website" or "Personal Website" without more details. This is ...

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open space

Ready to make your first interactive art display?

July 18, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

No matter what your background, this is your chance to learn the art side and the technical side of creating an interactive media exhibit! MediaNet is offeri...

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Ready to make your first interactive art display?

July 18, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

No matter what your background, this is your chance to learn the art side and the technical side of creating an interactive media exhibit! MediaNet is offeri...

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Victoria’s Electronic Music Festival

July 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Victoria this week-end, check out the VEMF today and tomorrow from noon until 10p.m. officially, and then there are a lot of after party venues....

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Victoria’s Electronic Music Festival

July 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Victoria this week-end, check out the VEMF today and tomorrow from noon until 10p.m. officially, and then there are a lot of after party venues....

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Victoria’s Electronic Music Festival

July 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Victoria this week-end, check out the VEMF today and tomorrow from noon until 10p.m. officially, and then there are a lot of after party venues....

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Victoria’s Electronic Music Festival

July 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Victoria this week-end, check out the VEMF today and tomorrow from noon until 10p.m. officially, and then there are a lot of after party venues....

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Victoria’s Electronic Music Festival

July 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Victoria this week-end, check out the VEMF today and tomorrow from noon until 10p.m. officially, and then there are a lot of after party venues....

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electronic music

Victoria’s Electronic Music Festival

July 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Victoria this week-end, check out the VEMF today and tomorrow from noon until 10p.m. officially, and then there are a lot of after party venues....

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Victoria’s Electronic Music Festival

July 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're in Victoria this week-end, check out the VEMF today and tomorrow from noon until 10p.m. officially, and then there are a lot of after party venues....

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August 08, 2011 | 2 minute read

I'm often asked what in the world "cqwww" means, and why I would have picked that for my twitter handle. I've been an amateur (ham) radio operator since arou...

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August 08, 2011 | 2 minute read

I'm often asked what in the world "cqwww" means, and why I would have picked that for my twitter handle. I've been an amateur (ham) radio operator since arou...

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morse code


August 08, 2011 | 2 minute read

I'm often asked what in the world "cqwww" means, and why I would have picked that for my twitter handle. I've been an amateur (ham) radio operator since arou...

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Airport codes

#YYJ, the navigation aid on Saltspring Island

August 11, 2011 | 1 minute read

Twitter often uses airport codes as hashtags in municipal areas to build community, however the misuse of these codes can lead to technically incorrect resul...

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#YYJ, the navigation aid on Saltspring Island

August 11, 2011 | 1 minute read

Twitter often uses airport codes as hashtags in municipal areas to build community, however the misuse of these codes can lead to technically incorrect resul...

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#YYJ, the navigation aid on Saltspring Island

August 11, 2011 | 1 minute read

Twitter often uses airport codes as hashtags in municipal areas to build community, however the misuse of these codes can lead to technically incorrect resul...

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#YYJ, the navigation aid on Saltspring Island

August 11, 2011 | 1 minute read

Twitter often uses airport codes as hashtags in municipal areas to build community, however the misuse of these codes can lead to technically incorrect resul...

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#YYJ, the navigation aid on Saltspring Island

August 11, 2011 | 1 minute read

Twitter often uses airport codes as hashtags in municipal areas to build community, however the misuse of these codes can lead to technically incorrect resul...

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#YYJ, the navigation aid on Saltspring Island

August 11, 2011 | 1 minute read

Twitter often uses airport codes as hashtags in municipal areas to build community, however the misuse of these codes can lead to technically incorrect resul...

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#YYJ, the navigation aid on Saltspring Island

August 11, 2011 | 1 minute read

Twitter often uses airport codes as hashtags in municipal areas to build community, however the misuse of these codes can lead to technically incorrect resul...

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computer science

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What would you do for $5?

August 18, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Could you build a list of things you'd do for $5? If so, check out FIVERR, but warning, I spent over 2 hours going through this site my first time. It's amaz...

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What would you do for $5?

August 18, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Could you build a list of things you'd do for $5? If so, check out FIVERR, but warning, I spent over 2 hours going through this site my first time. It's amaz...

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What would you do for $5?

August 18, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Could you build a list of things you'd do for $5? If so, check out FIVERR, but warning, I spent over 2 hours going through this site my first time. It's amaz...

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What would you do for $5?

August 18, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Could you build a list of things you'd do for $5? If so, check out FIVERR, but warning, I spent over 2 hours going through this site my first time. It's amaz...

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Black Tie Dinner

August 19, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

On September 6th, 2011 at 7p.m. don't miss our first ever Black Tie Dinner! This is a fun event where we'll take over the McDonald's at 980 Pandora avenue we...

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place setting

Black Tie Dinner

August 19, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

On September 6th, 2011 at 7p.m. don't miss our first ever Black Tie Dinner! This is a fun event where we'll take over the McDonald's at 980 Pandora avenue we...

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25th Victoria Fringe launches today

August 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After catching a couple fringe shows several years ago, I was fortunate enough to win a fringe "Superpass" at the after party, that would allow me to see all...

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25th Victoria Fringe launches today

August 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After catching a couple fringe shows several years ago, I was fortunate enough to win a fringe "Superpass" at the after party, that would allow me to see all...

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Jake's gift

25th Victoria Fringe launches today

August 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After catching a couple fringe shows several years ago, I was fortunate enough to win a fringe "Superpass" at the after party, that would allow me to see all...

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25th Victoria Fringe launches today

August 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After catching a couple fringe shows several years ago, I was fortunate enough to win a fringe "Superpass" at the after party, that would allow me to see all...

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TJ Dawe

25th Victoria Fringe launches today

August 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After catching a couple fringe shows several years ago, I was fortunate enough to win a fringe "Superpass" at the after party, that would allow me to see all...

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25th Victoria Fringe launches today

August 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After catching a couple fringe shows several years ago, I was fortunate enough to win a fringe "Superpass" at the after party, that would allow me to see all...

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NorthWest Ale launch today!

August 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

At 4p.m. today Spinnakers brewpub will launch their new NorthWest Ale! From their Facebook event: Free samples of NWA Live music Complimentary food pairings...

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NorthWest Ale launch today!

August 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

At 4p.m. today Spinnakers brewpub will launch their new NorthWest Ale! From their Facebook event: Free samples of NWA Live music Complimentary food pairings...

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NorthWest Ale launch today!

August 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

At 4p.m. today Spinnakers brewpub will launch their new NorthWest Ale! From their Facebook event: Free samples of NWA Live music Complimentary food pairings...

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NorthWest Ale launch today!

August 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

At 4p.m. today Spinnakers brewpub will launch their new NorthWest Ale! From their Facebook event: Free samples of NWA Live music Complimentary food pairings...

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B.C. Private liquor stores

September 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Ever wonder where you can find a B.C. private liquor store near you? Wonder no more! If you're the owner of one of these liquor stores, and would like your ...

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B.C. Private liquor stores

September 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Ever wonder where you can find a B.C. private liquor store near you? Wonder no more! If you're the owner of one of these liquor stores, and would like your ...

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Victoria’s Makerspace

September 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Victoria's makerspace is a community based tool collective. A group of us have put our cool tools all in one location, so you get the benefit of using other ...

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Victoria’s Makerspace

September 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Victoria's makerspace is a community based tool collective. A group of us have put our cool tools all in one location, so you get the benefit of using other ...

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Victoria’s Makerspace

September 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Victoria's makerspace is a community based tool collective. A group of us have put our cool tools all in one location, so you get the benefit of using other ...

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Victoria’s Makerspace

September 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Victoria's makerspace is a community based tool collective. A group of us have put our cool tools all in one location, so you get the benefit of using other ...

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Victoria’s Makerspace

September 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Victoria's makerspace is a community based tool collective. A group of us have put our cool tools all in one location, so you get the benefit of using other ...

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Victoria’s Makerspace

September 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Victoria's makerspace is a community based tool collective. A group of us have put our cool tools all in one location, so you get the benefit of using other ...

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Victoria’s Makerspace

September 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Victoria's makerspace is a community based tool collective. A group of us have put our cool tools all in one location, so you get the benefit of using other ...

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Victoria’s Makerspace

September 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Victoria's makerspace is a community based tool collective. A group of us have put our cool tools all in one location, so you get the benefit of using other ...

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Evening to inspire - Seat auction

September 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm going to auction off one seat to the amazing Evening to Inspire event on October 7th. While the tickets are selling for $175/person, I will provide one t...

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Evening to inspire - Seat auction

September 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm going to auction off one seat to the amazing Evening to Inspire event on October 7th. While the tickets are selling for $175/person, I will provide one t...

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Evening to inspire - Seat auction

September 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm going to auction off one seat to the amazing Evening to Inspire event on October 7th. While the tickets are selling for $175/person, I will provide one t...

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Evening to inspire - Seat auction

September 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm going to auction off one seat to the amazing Evening to Inspire event on October 7th. While the tickets are selling for $175/person, I will provide one t...

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Victoria Conference Centre

Evening to inspire - Seat auction

September 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm going to auction off one seat to the amazing Evening to Inspire event on October 7th. While the tickets are selling for $175/person, I will provide one t...

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black tie

Artifact or artifiction

October 05, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Do you think you can tell the different between the real story about an artifact and a fake one? Would you like to enjoy some cocktails and food in the proce...

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Artifact or artifiction

October 05, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Do you think you can tell the different between the real story about an artifact and a fake one? Would you like to enjoy some cocktails and food in the proce...

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Artifact or artifiction

October 05, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Do you think you can tell the different between the real story about an artifact and a fake one? Would you like to enjoy some cocktails and food in the proce...

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Artifact or artifiction

October 05, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Do you think you can tell the different between the real story about an artifact and a fake one? Would you like to enjoy some cocktails and food in the proce...

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Artifact or artifiction

October 05, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Do you think you can tell the different between the real story about an artifact and a fake one? Would you like to enjoy some cocktails and food in the proce...

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Evening to Inspire

October 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow night will be the 3rd Evening to Inspire event, a fundraiser for the BC Children's hospital foundation. ...

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Evening to Inspire

October 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow night will be the 3rd Evening to Inspire event, a fundraiser for the BC Children's hospital foundation. ...

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Evening to Inspire

October 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow night will be the 3rd Evening to Inspire event, a fundraiser for the BC Children's hospital foundation. ...

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Libation calendar

October 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I've started a Victoria libation calendar. If you're aware of events around beverages that are fermented ot distilled in Victoria, contact me for edit access...

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Libation calendar

October 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I've started a Victoria libation calendar. If you're aware of events around beverages that are fermented ot distilled in Victoria, contact me for edit access...

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Libation calendar

October 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I've started a Victoria libation calendar. If you're aware of events around beverages that are fermented ot distilled in Victoria, contact me for edit access...

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B.C. wineries

October 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Wondering where to find a winery near you in British Columbia? Wonder no more! If you’re the owner of one of these wineries, and would like your business na...

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B.C. wineries

October 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Wondering where to find a winery near you in British Columbia? Wonder no more! If you’re the owner of one of these wineries, and would like your business na...

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B.C. wineries

October 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Wondering where to find a winery near you in British Columbia? Wonder no more! If you’re the owner of one of these wineries, and would like your business na...

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B.C. wineries

October 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Wondering where to find a winery near you in British Columbia? Wonder no more! If you’re the owner of one of these wineries, and would like your business na...

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B.C. wineries

October 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Wondering where to find a winery near you in British Columbia? Wonder no more! If you’re the owner of one of these wineries, and would like your business na...

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B.C. wineries

October 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Wondering where to find a winery near you in British Columbia? Wonder no more! If you’re the owner of one of these wineries, and would like your business na...

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Apple harvest and pie tasting

October 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow morning the Moss street market will be hosting their second annual pie tasting. Show up by 10:30am, and for only $5 you can taste three of the pies....

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Apple harvest and pie tasting

October 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow morning the Moss street market will be hosting their second annual pie tasting. Show up by 10:30am, and for only $5 you can taste three of the pies....

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local food

Apple harvest and pie tasting

October 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow morning the Moss street market will be hosting their second annual pie tasting. Show up by 10:30am, and for only $5 you can taste three of the pies....

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Moss street

Apple harvest and pie tasting

October 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow morning the Moss street market will be hosting their second annual pie tasting. Show up by 10:30am, and for only $5 you can taste three of the pies....

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Apple harvest and pie tasting

October 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow morning the Moss street market will be hosting their second annual pie tasting. Show up by 10:30am, and for only $5 you can taste three of the pies....

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Apple harvest and pie tasting

October 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow morning the Moss street market will be hosting their second annual pie tasting. Show up by 10:30am, and for only $5 you can taste three of the pies....

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slow food

Apple harvest and pie tasting

October 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow morning the Moss street market will be hosting their second annual pie tasting. Show up by 10:30am, and for only $5 you can taste three of the pies....

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Apple harvest and pie tasting

October 15, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow morning the Moss street market will be hosting their second annual pie tasting. Show up by 10:30am, and for only $5 you can taste three of the pies....

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core values

Determining your core values

October 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

  This is an intregal part of the self-assessment process. There are a lot of values to choose from, take for example this list: Acceptance Fast pace...

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self develop

Determining your core values

October 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

  This is an intregal part of the self-assessment process. There are a lot of values to choose from, take for example this list: Acceptance Fast pace...

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self evaluation

Determining your core values

October 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

  This is an intregal part of the self-assessment process. There are a lot of values to choose from, take for example this list: Acceptance Fast pace...

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Determining your core values

October 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

  This is an intregal part of the self-assessment process. There are a lot of values to choose from, take for example this list: Acceptance Fast pace...

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Determining your core values

October 26, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

  This is an intregal part of the self-assessment process. There are a lot of values to choose from, take for example this list: Acceptance Fast pace...

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Black Peter

Christmas comes from a mushroom?

November 01, 2011 | 2 minute read

I have a few friends who are serious mushroom pickers on Vancouver island, who are very busy, as this is the season. I've been spoiled, I must have eaten a d...

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Christmas comes from a mushroom?

November 01, 2011 | 2 minute read

I have a few friends who are serious mushroom pickers on Vancouver island, who are very busy, as this is the season. I've been spoiled, I must have eaten a d...

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Christmas comes from a mushroom?

November 01, 2011 | 2 minute read

I have a few friends who are serious mushroom pickers on Vancouver island, who are very busy, as this is the season. I've been spoiled, I must have eaten a d...

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Christmas comes from a mushroom?

November 01, 2011 | 2 minute read

I have a few friends who are serious mushroom pickers on Vancouver island, who are very busy, as this is the season. I've been spoiled, I must have eaten a d...

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Santa Claus

Christmas comes from a mushroom?

November 01, 2011 | 2 minute read

I have a few friends who are serious mushroom pickers on Vancouver island, who are very busy, as this is the season. I've been spoiled, I must have eaten a d...

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Christmas comes from a mushroom?

November 01, 2011 | 2 minute read

I have a few friends who are serious mushroom pickers on Vancouver island, who are very busy, as this is the season. I've been spoiled, I must have eaten a d...

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Christmas comes from a mushroom?

November 01, 2011 | 2 minute read

I have a few friends who are serious mushroom pickers on Vancouver island, who are very busy, as this is the season. I've been spoiled, I must have eaten a d...

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Christmas comes from a mushroom?

November 01, 2011 | 2 minute read

I have a few friends who are serious mushroom pickers on Vancouver island, who are very busy, as this is the season. I've been spoiled, I must have eaten a d...

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Things get cloudy for #occupyvictoria

November 03, 2011 | 1 minute read

I'm not sure what changed, my understanding of the #occupyvictoria movement in centennial square (beside city hall) is that the protestors would be left alon...

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Is morse code still alive?

November 07, 2011 | 1 minute read

I read an article in yesterday's Vancouver sun that is calling for the death knell of morse code, known by those in the amateur (ham) radio community as cont...

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Is morse code still alive?

November 07, 2011 | 1 minute read

I read an article in yesterday's Vancouver sun that is calling for the death knell of morse code, known by those in the amateur (ham) radio community as cont...

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Is morse code still alive?

November 07, 2011 | 1 minute read

I read an article in yesterday's Vancouver sun that is calling for the death knell of morse code, known by those in the amateur (ham) radio community as cont...

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Is morse code still alive?

November 07, 2011 | 1 minute read

I read an article in yesterday's Vancouver sun that is calling for the death knell of morse code, known by those in the amateur (ham) radio community as cont...

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Is morse code still alive?

November 07, 2011 | 1 minute read

I read an article in yesterday's Vancouver sun that is calling for the death knell of morse code, known by those in the amateur (ham) radio community as cont...

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David Bratzer

Schools or Prisons?

November 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

"Schools or Prisons?" is a public forum this Tuesday evening, Nov 8, at Alix Goolden Hall (907 Pandora Ave). It runs from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. The goal is to ki...

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School board

Schools or Prisons?

November 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

"Schools or Prisons?" is a public forum this Tuesday evening, Nov 8, at Alix Goolden Hall (907 Pandora Ave). It runs from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. The goal is to ki...

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Schools or Prisons?

November 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

"Schools or Prisons?" is a public forum this Tuesday evening, Nov 8, at Alix Goolden Hall (907 Pandora Ave). It runs from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. The goal is to ki...

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Schools or Prisons?

November 08, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

"Schools or Prisons?" is a public forum this Tuesday evening, Nov 8, at Alix Goolden Hall (907 Pandora Ave). It runs from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. The goal is to ki...

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Bill Weaver

What media matters?

November 08, 2011 | 3 minute read

I recently had the opportunity to meet Bill Weaver, host of a popular annual retreat called Media That Matters. I know several people who have attended, from...

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Corporate media

What media matters?

November 08, 2011 | 3 minute read

I recently had the opportunity to meet Bill Weaver, host of a popular annual retreat called Media That Matters. I know several people who have attended, from...

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Davd Arthur Johnson

What media matters?

November 08, 2011 | 3 minute read

I recently had the opportunity to meet Bill Weaver, host of a popular annual retreat called Media That Matters. I know several people who have attended, from...

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What media matters?

November 08, 2011 | 3 minute read

I recently had the opportunity to meet Bill Weaver, host of a popular annual retreat called Media That Matters. I know several people who have attended, from...

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Media That Matters

What media matters?

November 08, 2011 | 3 minute read

I recently had the opportunity to meet Bill Weaver, host of a popular annual retreat called Media That Matters. I know several people who have attended, from...

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What media matters?

November 08, 2011 | 3 minute read

I recently had the opportunity to meet Bill Weaver, host of a popular annual retreat called Media That Matters. I know several people who have attended, from...

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What media matters?

November 08, 2011 | 3 minute read

I recently had the opportunity to meet Bill Weaver, host of a popular annual retreat called Media That Matters. I know several people who have attended, from...

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What media matters?

November 08, 2011 | 3 minute read

I recently had the opportunity to meet Bill Weaver, host of a popular annual retreat called Media That Matters. I know several people who have attended, from...

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If only there was a United Way to contact them…

November 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

For three years I've heard an advertisement by the United Way on the radio in Victoria, BC. It claims that they help one in every three people in Victoria. T...

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If only there was a United Way to contact them…

November 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

For three years I've heard an advertisement by the United Way on the radio in Victoria, BC. It claims that they help one in every three people in Victoria. T...

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If only there was a United Way to contact them…

November 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

For three years I've heard an advertisement by the United Way on the radio in Victoria, BC. It claims that they help one in every three people in Victoria. T...

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United Way

If only there was a United Way to contact them…

November 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

For three years I've heard an advertisement by the United Way on the radio in Victoria, BC. It claims that they help one in every three people in Victoria. T...

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Truth or Dare?

November 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I asked "Truth or Dare?" on Facebook and Twitter yesterday. I've received over 50 comments between the two, so it seems like people want to play. I see there...

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Wallpaper - The Head

November 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're looking for a free, open source solution for creating or editing images, check out the GNU Image Manipulation program, or the GIMP. While I've been...

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Wallpaper - The Head

November 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're looking for a free, open source solution for creating or editing images, check out the GNU Image Manipulation program, or the GIMP. While I've been...

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Wallpaper - The Head

November 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're looking for a free, open source solution for creating or editing images, check out the GNU Image Manipulation program, or the GIMP. While I've been...

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open source

Wallpaper - The Head

November 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're looking for a free, open source solution for creating or editing images, check out the GNU Image Manipulation program, or the GIMP. While I've been...

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Wallpaper - The Head

November 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're looking for a free, open source solution for creating or editing images, check out the GNU Image Manipulation program, or the GIMP. While I've been...

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Wallpaper - The Head

November 12, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you're looking for a free, open source solution for creating or editing images, check out the GNU Image Manipulation program, or the GIMP. While I've been...

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Idea: A game that offers real certifications?

November 14, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After watching a TED talk by Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world today, I immediately came up with an idea; what if while questing in a game you w...

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Idea: A game that offers real certifications?

November 14, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After watching a TED talk by Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world today, I immediately came up with an idea; what if while questing in a game you w...

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Idea: A game that offers real certifications?

November 14, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After watching a TED talk by Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world today, I immediately came up with an idea; what if while questing in a game you w...

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gen x

Get out and vote!

November 16, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I just completed a short rant to a few friends on Facebook who were claiming inaction to voting is an action, or they were pleading ignorance to even knowing...

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gen y

Get out and vote!

November 16, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I just completed a short rant to a few friends on Facebook who were claiming inaction to voting is an action, or they were pleading ignorance to even knowing...

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Get out and vote!

November 16, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I just completed a short rant to a few friends on Facebook who were claiming inaction to voting is an action, or they were pleading ignorance to even knowing...

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Get out and vote!

November 16, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I just completed a short rant to a few friends on Facebook who were claiming inaction to voting is an action, or they were pleading ignorance to even knowing...

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board game

Settlers of Catan night

November 22, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you've got a bit of board game geek in you, check out the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling club's website which has announced a bi-weekly Settlers of Catan n...

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expansion pack

Settlers of Catan night

November 22, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you've got a bit of board game geek in you, check out the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling club's website which has announced a bi-weekly Settlers of Catan n...

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Settlers of Catan night

November 22, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you've got a bit of board game geek in you, check out the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling club's website which has announced a bi-weekly Settlers of Catan n...

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Settlers of Catan night

November 22, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you've got a bit of board game geek in you, check out the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling club's website which has announced a bi-weekly Settlers of Catan n...

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settlers of catan

Settlers of Catan night

November 22, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you've got a bit of board game geek in you, check out the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling club's website which has announced a bi-weekly Settlers of Catan n...

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Canada’s polygamy laws ruling released today

November 23, 2011 | 2 minute read

Today, Canada's polygamy laws were upheld by the Supreme court. I wonder how many guys are reading this today and are like,"My wives are gunna be upset about...

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Canada’s polygamy laws ruling released today

November 23, 2011 | 2 minute read

Today, Canada's polygamy laws were upheld by the Supreme court. I wonder how many guys are reading this today and are like,"My wives are gunna be upset about...

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Canada’s polygamy laws ruling released today

November 23, 2011 | 2 minute read

Today, Canada's polygamy laws were upheld by the Supreme court. I wonder how many guys are reading this today and are like,"My wives are gunna be upset about...

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Canada’s polygamy laws ruling released today

November 23, 2011 | 2 minute read

Today, Canada's polygamy laws were upheld by the Supreme court. I wonder how many guys are reading this today and are like,"My wives are gunna be upset about...

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Supreme court

Canada’s polygamy laws ruling released today

November 23, 2011 | 2 minute read

Today, Canada's polygamy laws were upheld by the Supreme court. I wonder how many guys are reading this today and are like,"My wives are gunna be upset about...

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cost effective

What’s the cheapest North American meal?

November 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After reading that the toast sandwich is officially the UK's cheapest meal, it made me wonder, what is the cheapest meal available in North America? Although...

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What’s the cheapest North American meal?

November 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After reading that the toast sandwich is officially the UK's cheapest meal, it made me wonder, what is the cheapest meal available in North America? Although...

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Social Innovation in British Columbia

November 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm fortunate to have been chosen as one of the top 500 social innovators in British Columbia, and have been invited to participate in the discussion around ...

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Social Innovation in British Columbia

November 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm fortunate to have been chosen as one of the top 500 social innovators in British Columbia, and have been invited to participate in the discussion around ...

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Social Innovation in British Columbia

November 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm fortunate to have been chosen as one of the top 500 social innovators in British Columbia, and have been invited to participate in the discussion around ...

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Victoria co-working space

December 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Over the years, we've seen several co-working spaces come and go. We've not seen a model yet that we thought would survive, even from the beginning. Over 2 y...

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Victoria co-working space

December 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Over the years, we've seen several co-working spaces come and go. We've not seen a model yet that we thought would survive, even from the beginning. Over 2 y...

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hot desk

Victoria co-working space

December 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Over the years, we've seen several co-working spaces come and go. We've not seen a model yet that we thought would survive, even from the beginning. Over 2 y...

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Victoria co-working space

December 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Over the years, we've seen several co-working spaces come and go. We've not seen a model yet that we thought would survive, even from the beginning. Over 2 y...

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Your social network

December 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

As people are justifiably upset with the privacy issues around Facebook, and several friends have left that network altogether recently, I've been wondering ...

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Your social network

December 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

As people are justifiably upset with the privacy issues around Facebook, and several friends have left that network altogether recently, I've been wondering ...

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social networking

Your social network

December 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

As people are justifiably upset with the privacy issues around Facebook, and several friends have left that network altogether recently, I've been wondering ...

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Your social network

December 09, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

As people are justifiably upset with the privacy issues around Facebook, and several friends have left that network altogether recently, I've been wondering ...

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A fight on Google’s street view

December 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you slowly scroll towards the two kids, and even passed them and look back, it appears as though you are watching the two boys walking, and get into a phy...

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A fight on Google’s street view

December 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you slowly scroll towards the two kids, and even passed them and look back, it appears as though you are watching the two boys walking, and get into a phy...

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A fight on Google’s street view

December 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you slowly scroll towards the two kids, and even passed them and look back, it appears as though you are watching the two boys walking, and get into a phy...

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A fight on Google’s street view

December 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you slowly scroll towards the two kids, and even passed them and look back, it appears as though you are watching the two boys walking, and get into a phy...

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A fight on Google’s street view

December 10, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you slowly scroll towards the two kids, and even passed them and look back, it appears as though you are watching the two boys walking, and get into a phy...

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What good is your roll of change?

December 21, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Not much, according to London Drugs. I had the misunderstanding that change had to be accepted, up to certain maximums that it's not excessive. In Canada thi...

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What good is your roll of change?

December 21, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Not much, according to London Drugs. I had the misunderstanding that change had to be accepted, up to certain maximums that it's not excessive. In Canada thi...

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london drugs

What good is your roll of change?

December 21, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Not much, according to London Drugs. I had the misunderstanding that change had to be accepted, up to certain maximums that it's not excessive. In Canada thi...

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What good is your roll of change?

December 21, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Not much, according to London Drugs. I had the misunderstanding that change had to be accepted, up to certain maximums that it's not excessive. In Canada thi...

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What good is your roll of change?

December 21, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Not much, according to London Drugs. I had the misunderstanding that change had to be accepted, up to certain maximums that it's not excessive. In Canada thi...

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Circadian rhythm

How well do you sleep?

December 30, 2011 | 2 minute read

I've been curious for a while about my sleeping habits, as an entrepreneur on my own schedule, I don't use an alarm clock unless I have to. As a result, my s...

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How well do you sleep?

December 30, 2011 | 2 minute read

I've been curious for a while about my sleeping habits, as an entrepreneur on my own schedule, I don't use an alarm clock unless I have to. As a result, my s...

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How well do you sleep?

December 30, 2011 | 2 minute read

I've been curious for a while about my sleeping habits, as an entrepreneur on my own schedule, I don't use an alarm clock unless I have to. As a result, my s...

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How well do you sleep?

December 30, 2011 | 2 minute read

I've been curious for a while about my sleeping habits, as an entrepreneur on my own schedule, I don't use an alarm clock unless I have to. As a result, my s...

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How well do you sleep?

December 30, 2011 | 2 minute read

I've been curious for a while about my sleeping habits, as an entrepreneur on my own schedule, I don't use an alarm clock unless I have to. As a result, my s...

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How well do you sleep?

December 30, 2011 | 2 minute read

I've been curious for a while about my sleeping habits, as an entrepreneur on my own schedule, I don't use an alarm clock unless I have to. As a result, my s...

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Put a man in space? pfffht!

December 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

My friend Nick Farr and team have recently started Copenhagen Suborbitals which plan on launching a human into space. I'm lucky to know a lot of really talen...

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Put a man in space? pfffht!

December 31, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

My friend Nick Farr and team have recently started Copenhagen Suborbitals which plan on launching a human into space. I'm lucky to know a lot of really talen...

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Dual N Back

Hitting the mental gym

January 05, 2012 | 1 minute read

As I walked down to Ideas Victoria tonight, I walked by at least 3 gyms, each busier than I've ever seen them, and I generally walk by them every week at the...

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Hitting the mental gym

January 05, 2012 | 1 minute read

As I walked down to Ideas Victoria tonight, I walked by at least 3 gyms, each busier than I've ever seen them, and I generally walk by them every week at the...

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Hitting the mental gym

January 05, 2012 | 1 minute read

As I walked down to Ideas Victoria tonight, I walked by at least 3 gyms, each busier than I've ever seen them, and I generally walk by them every week at the...

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Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gunna do…

January 08, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

For as long as I can remember, I've been a radio scanner enthusiast. Although when I moved to Victoria, I knew they had adopted CREST which uses talk groups,...

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Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gunna do…

January 08, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

For as long as I can remember, I've been a radio scanner enthusiast. Although when I moved to Victoria, I knew they had adopted CREST which uses talk groups,...

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Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gunna do…

January 08, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

For as long as I can remember, I've been a radio scanner enthusiast. Although when I moved to Victoria, I knew they had adopted CREST which uses talk groups,...

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Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gunna do…

January 08, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

For as long as I can remember, I've been a radio scanner enthusiast. Although when I moved to Victoria, I knew they had adopted CREST which uses talk groups,...

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Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gunna do…

January 08, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

For as long as I can remember, I've been a radio scanner enthusiast. Although when I moved to Victoria, I knew they had adopted CREST which uses talk groups,...

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It’s snowing!

January 17, 2012 | 1 minute read

It's fairly rare that it snows in Victoria, perhaps a bi-annual event. Right now it's really coming down here downtown, and it started last night. Around...

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It’s snowing!

January 17, 2012 | 1 minute read

It's fairly rare that it snows in Victoria, perhaps a bi-annual event. Right now it's really coming down here downtown, and it started last night. Around...

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It’s snowing!

January 17, 2012 | 1 minute read

It's fairly rare that it snows in Victoria, perhaps a bi-annual event. Right now it's really coming down here downtown, and it started last night. Around...

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It’s snowing!

January 17, 2012 | 1 minute read

It's fairly rare that it snows in Victoria, perhaps a bi-annual event. Right now it's really coming down here downtown, and it started last night. Around...

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genetically modified

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price lookup

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Use social media as you want to

January 19, 2012 | 1 minute read

I see a lot of  unsolicited directions on how to use social media contextually; don't be negative with social media! Don't auto-DM! Give origina...

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Use social media as you want to

January 19, 2012 | 1 minute read

I see a lot of  unsolicited directions on how to use social media contextually; don't be negative with social media! Don't auto-DM! Give origina...

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Use social media as you want to

January 19, 2012 | 1 minute read

I see a lot of  unsolicited directions on how to use social media contextually; don't be negative with social media! Don't auto-DM! Give origina...

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Use social media as you want to

January 19, 2012 | 1 minute read

I see a lot of  unsolicited directions on how to use social media contextually; don't be negative with social media! Don't auto-DM! Give origina...

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fitting in

The tender conscious of the herd

January 26, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

One of my younger brothers started a blog and I found a quote that really resonated with me, "[It] really wasn't a necessity. It was more of an atte...

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Rule of thirds and the golden ratio

January 30, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

As the LCD light on my digital point and shoot camera has died,  a replacement LCD is over $100. I'm debating if I'm better off buying a new cam...

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Rule of thirds and the golden ratio

January 30, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

As the LCD light on my digital point and shoot camera has died,  a replacement LCD is over $100. I'm debating if I'm better off buying a new cam...

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Rule of thirds and the golden ratio

January 30, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

As the LCD light on my digital point and shoot camera has died,  a replacement LCD is over $100. I'm debating if I'm better off buying a new cam...

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golden radio

Rule of thirds and the golden ratio

January 30, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

As the LCD light on my digital point and shoot camera has died,  a replacement LCD is over $100. I'm debating if I'm better off buying a new cam...

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Rule of thirds and the golden ratio

January 30, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

As the LCD light on my digital point and shoot camera has died,  a replacement LCD is over $100. I'm debating if I'm better off buying a new cam...

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rule of

Rule of thirds and the golden ratio

January 30, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

As the LCD light on my digital point and shoot camera has died,  a replacement LCD is over $100. I'm debating if I'm better off buying a new cam...

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rule of 3rds

Rule of thirds and the golden ratio

January 30, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

As the LCD light on my digital point and shoot camera has died,  a replacement LCD is over $100. I'm debating if I'm better off buying a new cam...

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Rule of thirds and the golden ratio

January 30, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

As the LCD light on my digital point and shoot camera has died,  a replacement LCD is over $100. I'm debating if I'm better off buying a new cam...

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Innovation month in Victoria

January 30, 2012 | 2 minute read

I declare February as Innovation Month. If you've had a really good idea for years you've been sitting on, or just had an epiphany now, there is no better ti...

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Innovation month in Victoria

January 30, 2012 | 2 minute read

I declare February as Innovation Month. If you've had a really good idea for years you've been sitting on, or just had an epiphany now, there is no better ti...

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Innovation month in Victoria

January 30, 2012 | 2 minute read

I declare February as Innovation Month. If you've had a really good idea for years you've been sitting on, or just had an epiphany now, there is no better ti...

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Innovation month in Victoria

January 30, 2012 | 2 minute read

I declare February as Innovation Month. If you've had a really good idea for years you've been sitting on, or just had an epiphany now, there is no better ti...

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David Parfit


January 31, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

If you've done anything in the digital interactive media circuit in Victoria, you've crossed paths with the talented David Parfit and/or Scott Amos. On Frida...

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January 31, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

If you've done anything in the digital interactive media circuit in Victoria, you've crossed paths with the talented David Parfit and/or Scott Amos. On Frida...

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Justin Love


January 31, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

If you've done anything in the digital interactive media circuit in Victoria, you've crossed paths with the talented David Parfit and/or Scott Amos. On Frida...

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Limbic Media


January 31, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

If you've done anything in the digital interactive media circuit in Victoria, you've crossed paths with the talented David Parfit and/or Scott Amos. On Frida...

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Manj Benning


January 31, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

If you've done anything in the digital interactive media circuit in Victoria, you've crossed paths with the talented David Parfit and/or Scott Amos. On Frida...

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Scott Amos


January 31, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

If you've done anything in the digital interactive media circuit in Victoria, you've crossed paths with the talented David Parfit and/or Scott Amos. On Frida...

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Sunsets in Victoria

February 03, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

We have some amazing sunsets, tonight was one of the best this year!  

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Sunsets in Victoria

February 03, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

We have some amazing sunsets, tonight was one of the best this year!  

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Sunsets in Victoria

February 03, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

We have some amazing sunsets, tonight was one of the best this year!  

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Feeling blue, at the end of an era…

February 23, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

After ~87 years, the Johnson street bridge in Victoria, also known as the blue bridge, is being dismantled. You can read the details on the city of Victoria ...

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Welcome to the New Amsterdam

March 16, 2012 | 1 minute read

Victoria has always been a tourist city, but for the first time in a long time, that is going to hit new heights. We have a new city council, lead once again...

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Welcome to the New Amsterdam

March 16, 2012 | 1 minute read

Victoria has always been a tourist city, but for the first time in a long time, that is going to hit new heights. We have a new city council, lead once again...

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Welcome to the New Amsterdam

March 16, 2012 | 1 minute read

Victoria has always been a tourist city, but for the first time in a long time, that is going to hit new heights. We have a new city council, lead once again...

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Dean Fortin

Welcome to the New Amsterdam

March 16, 2012 | 1 minute read

Victoria has always been a tourist city, but for the first time in a long time, that is going to hit new heights. We have a new city council, lead once again...

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Welcome to the New Amsterdam

March 16, 2012 | 1 minute read

Victoria has always been a tourist city, but for the first time in a long time, that is going to hit new heights. We have a new city council, lead once again...

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Welcome to the New Amsterdam

March 16, 2012 | 1 minute read

Victoria has always been a tourist city, but for the first time in a long time, that is going to hit new heights. We have a new city council, lead once again...

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Welcome to the New Amsterdam

March 16, 2012 | 1 minute read

Victoria has always been a tourist city, but for the first time in a long time, that is going to hit new heights. We have a new city council, lead once again...

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Welcome to the New Amsterdam

March 16, 2012 | 1 minute read

Victoria has always been a tourist city, but for the first time in a long time, that is going to hit new heights. We have a new city council, lead once again...

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New Economic Order

Welcome to the New Amsterdam

March 16, 2012 | 1 minute read

Victoria has always been a tourist city, but for the first time in a long time, that is going to hit new heights. We have a new city council, lead once again...

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Ross Honeywell

Welcome to the New Amsterdam

March 16, 2012 | 1 minute read

Victoria has always been a tourist city, but for the first time in a long time, that is going to hit new heights. We have a new city council, lead once again...

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Hidden gems in Victoria

March 20, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Couchsurfing has a list of the top 50 "Best of Victoria" list. I also have a Facebook group called Victoria's Secrets to discuss these hidden gems. Are there...

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Hidden gems in Victoria

March 20, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Couchsurfing has a list of the top 50 "Best of Victoria" list. I also have a Facebook group called Victoria's Secrets to discuss these hidden gems. Are there...

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Hidden gems in Victoria

March 20, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Couchsurfing has a list of the top 50 "Best of Victoria" list. I also have a Facebook group called Victoria's Secrets to discuss these hidden gems. Are there...

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100 mile

What produce is in season?

April 07, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Thanks to a conversation with Janice M and Maryanne C, a couple of Victoria's food experts and friends, I was pointed to a list of all of the fresh produce t...

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What produce is in season?

April 07, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Thanks to a conversation with Janice M and Maryanne C, a couple of Victoria's food experts and friends, I was pointed to a list of all of the fresh produce t...

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