Determining your core values

less than 1 minute read


This is an intregal part of the self-assessment process. There are a lot of values to choose from, take for example this list:

Acceptance Fast pace Power
Achievement Financial rewards Privacy
Adventure Focus Productivity
Altruism Freedom Promotion prospects
Ambition Friendship Reaching potential
Appreciation Fun Recognition
Authenticity Happiness Respect
Authority Harmony Responsibility
Autonomy Health Results
Balance Helping others Risk taking
Beauty Honesty Romance
Belonging Humour Routine
Challenge Imagination Security
Choice Independence Self expression
Collaboration Influence Service
Commitment Intellect Sharing
Community Intuition Solitude
Compassion Justice Spirituality
Competition Kindness Status
Connection Leadership Success
Contribution Learning Teaching
Creativity Love Team work
Equality Loyalty Tolerance
Excellence Making a difference Tradition
Excitement Nature Travel
Expertise Nurturing Trust
Fairness Order Variety
Faith Passion Winning
Fame Peace Wisdom
Family Personal growth Zest for life


Once you've cut and pasted this into a spreadsheet, slowly remove values you realize are not your top ones. This was a challenging exercise for me, as who wants to admit, even to themselves, that they don't have certain values. I've got it under 50 so far, but even that has been a challenge. If anyone has a suggestion on how to get down to about 5, I'd love your suggestions!

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