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Victoria co-working space

December 07, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

Over the years, we've seen several co-working spaces come and go. We've not seen a model yet that we thought would survive, even from the beginning. Over 2 y...

Social Innovation in British Columbia

November 25, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

I'm fortunate to have been chosen as one of the top 500 social innovators in British Columbia, and have been invited to participate in the discussion around ...

What’s the cheapest North American meal?

November 24, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

After reading that the toast sandwich is officially the UK's cheapest meal, it made me wonder, what is the cheapest meal available in North America? Although...

Canada’s polygamy laws ruling released today

November 23, 2011 | 2 minute read

Today, Canada's polygamy laws were upheld by the Supreme court. I wonder how many guys are reading this today and are like,"My wives are gunna be upset about...

Settlers of Catan night

November 22, 2011 | less than 1 minute read

If you've got a bit of board game geek in you, check out the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling club's website which has announced a bi-weekly Settlers of Catan n...