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Profile: Mitch Altman, hacker.

June 29, 2012 | 1 minute read

I had the opportunity to meet Mitch Altman in Tokyo a few years ago, at the Tokyo hackerspace. Mitch is a rare breed; he's got world class level of smart...

Remote work suggestions?

June 22, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

As I'm heavy in startup mode, and have been travelling since March, I'm spending a lot more than I'm bringing in. As such, I'm looking for re...

Open Data Society of British Columbia

May 29, 2012 | 1 minute read

The current premier of British Columbia has committed to supporting the concept of Open Data by creating DataBC. Never before have British Columbians had acc...


May 25, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

While visiting my cottage this year for the first time in years, I had a chipmunk stare at me at squeak for at least 10 minutes. I managed to get a minute of...

Creatively United Mobile Phone Photo-Art Show!

April 23, 2012 | less than 1 minute read

Last week-end I had the opportunity to have 3 of my photos shown at the first annual Creatively United Mobile Phone Photo-art show.   The photos had to...