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Victoria, in the middle of the winter

January 22, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

We don't really do snow here, they still talk about the snow in '96, where they apparently got over an inch of it. It's the middle of the winter here in Vict...

Saving the B.C. film industry

January 17, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

There seems to be a lot of controversy lately around the B.C. film industry not making it into the Christy Clark BC Jobs plan. I don't see the correlation. A...

Biospace, and the DIYBIO movement

January 15, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

Derek Jacoby and I made a TEDGlobal video, if only for a picture (3:49 in the video). This video is from the TED talk by Ellen Jorgensen of Genspace fame tal...

Free education online

January 06, 2013 | 4 minute read

I posted a couple days ago, a list of free university course aggregators. I've had several people contact me with individual sites (such as MIT Open CourseWa...

looking for a place to stay for two months

January 03, 2013 | less than 1 minute read

Someone wants to rent my condo short-term, so I'm looking for a place to stay for two months. Priorities, in order of importance (but not required): Broadba...