New years resolution? Get some new wallpaper!
About 7 years ago I got my Canadian amateur radio certificate, and discovered the world of ham radio awards and contests. In Canada, there are over 50 awards in amateur radio one can receive. When you get one, you receive a certificate for your wall, often referred to by the community as "wallpaper". Fast forward a few years later, and I was thinking a lot about self-development, and how in life I always want to continue learning. I decided that every quarter (a term often used in business; Q1 is Jan-Mar, Q2 Apr-Jun etc) I will get myself a new certificate in something, anything. The newer the subject is to me, the better. Over time, I would really have enough certificates perhaps I could use them as wallpaper. But really it isn't about the wallpaper, but the learning and personal growth.
I'm now several years into this, and I don't plan on stopping. While I'm doing this for myself, to give you an idea, I've since taken Certified Financial Planning, Mandarin classes, become a Reverend, got my advanced amateur radio certification, and in Q4 2010, having never even thought about diving I found myself obtaining not only my open water scuba certificate, I went on to get my adventure and advanced open water certificate as well! This is very personally rewarding, and I highly recommend it.
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