What would you do with $500-1000 this Monday?
All it takes is 200 words in an email, and a 5 minute pitch, to win anywhere between $500 and $1000. Awesome Shit Club (ASC) is one of the many projects to come out of the Ideas Victoria group. Just over a year old, the fourth event will be this Monday at the Fort Street Cafe. There are three phases to an ASC event:
- Building the judging panel. Judges are called "Awesomites" and all it takes is $50 and a willingness to judge pitches for awesome shit. An event won't happen unless there are at least 10 Awesomites, and it will never go over 20, for fear that people might try to game the system if it gets higher than that.
- The call for awesome shit. If you can think of something awesome you would do with over $500, check out this submissions page. There are no rules on what that can be. Would you use that money to write a screen play? start a company? save the world? build a weapon? create a party? You will be notified if your talk is accepted for the event. If it is, you're now an Awesomer, and one of the top 10 finalists, congratulations!
- The event. This Monday the top 10 Awesomers will be pitching their ideas to the Awesomites. You're welcome to come and watch, entrance to the event is only $5. Get there early, as even though it's only the 4th event, 2 of them have sold out. Each Awesomite gets 5 minutes to pitch his or her idea, then the Awesomites have up to 5 minutes to ask questions. At the end of the event, the judges give each pitch a thumbs up or thumbs down. Whoever gets the most thumbs up, gets all of the cash, no strings attached.
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