Positivity and Gratitude
Last night I got to hang out with Mohammed Alsaleh, one of the first Syrian refugees in Vancouver/British Colombia at the PeaceGeeks Christmas party. He was ...
Last night I got to hang out with Mohammed Alsaleh, one of the first Syrian refugees in Vancouver/British Colombia at the PeaceGeeks Christmas party. He was ...
Here are a few links I mentioned regarding the Dark side of Information Sharing last night at Nik Badminton's sold out Dark Futures conference. These are pub...
For the first half of 2015, I spent most of the time on the product market fit (PMF) process, trying to (in)validate a business idea. This week at Founders C...
Several years ago my friend Derek (of Biospace.ca) loaned me his Zeo Sleep Manager and I blogged the experience. You put on the headband at night, and it wou...
I have a one bedroom condo for sale downtown Victoria priced at $239,999 $220,000. They say location is important in choosing real estate, this location is p...