For the past several years, I've attempted to get 4 certificates every year, or one every quarter. Some take minutes, some are complex, my only goal with this is to continue learning in a diverse range of fields. I realized I should start to keep track of them, and so this page intended for that purpose.
Can't recall the date:
- Custom Solaris - Sun Microsystems
- First Aid/CPR
- Oxygen & Airway Management - St. Johns Ambulance?
- Automated Defibrillator (AED) - St. Johns Ambulance?
- Sun Fault Analysis - Sun Microsystems
- Basic Amateur radio - Radio Amateurs of Canada - VE3URL/VE7BNE
- Continuous Wave (Morse Code - 5 wpm) - Radio Amateurs of Canada
- Advanced Amateur (ham) Radio - Radio Amateurs of Canada - VE3URL/VE7BNE
- Mandarin - University of Victoria
- Certified Information Privacy Professional CIPP, CIPP/C (Canadian) - IAPP
- Reverend - Universal Life Church
- Q4: Canadian Pleasure Craft Operator - Transport Canada
- Q1: How to build a startup by Steve Blank - ep245 @ Udacity (I highly recommend, it's free!)
- Q3: Certified Big Historian (Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
- Q4: Building and selling a niche website from scratch - Udemy
- Q1: British Columbian Prospectors licence
- Drone pilot (Basic, would challenge advanced but I don't have one to register which is a requirement)
Did not challenge exam:
- Certified Financial Planner (CFP) - UVic - I didn't challenge the exam, as you need to work in the industry for 2 years to call yourself a CFP, and I took this just to learn it. I also had a lot of challenges with the magic hand waving nature of prediction for one's clients.
- Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) - ISC2 - I didn't challenge the exam, due to the ethics portion requiring you to claim to have never been associated with a hacker group. I don't know what that means semantically, but any CISSP knows the real (non-media) definition of hacker, and should not respect any information security professional who doesn't think critically, and outside the box.
For consideration in the future:
- National Fireworks Certification Program
- Diamond grading
- Beer Judge Certification Program
- Cicerone
- Sustainable New Construction
- Brain Gym - Educational Kinesiology
- ESL Teacher
- LEED Green Associate
- Commercial Vehicle licence
- Motorcycle licence
- Rope handling/knots/belay
- Avalanche knowledge/safety/searching
- Small engine repair
- Chainsaw operation
- SANS GSE. I'll start with GSEC, then GPEN
- Map/compass/gps/orienteering
- Canoe/kayak paddling and self rescue
- Butchery
- Linux/LPI or BSD
- Wine Sommelier ISG or WSET
- Justice Institute - Conflict resolution
- Private Investigator - 20 hours - $500
Please let me know if you can think of any other fun certifications I might be interested in obtaining!