Budget Coffee

less than 1 minute read

This is the launch of "Budget Coffee" like founders coffee, where we meet 2x a month, and discuss budget things. As we'll all have different techniques, it will be interesting to see what we learn from each other.

Consider is like a local version of Mr. Money Mustache in that we can a) share budgeting tips with each other, but also b) hold each other accountable. I'm curious about your thoughts on this.

One example is I did a spreadsheet of ISPs in BC over 5 years of service, and the gap is ~$880 between the cheapest and most expensive for ~30M broadband service! This savings alone could justify the cost of attending if people switch over.

We would share tips, tricks, and processes, such as credit card churning.

Is it worth under $250 in 2020 to get your personal budget in order, and optimized?

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